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Mxrskey CK820 75% Mechanical Hot-Swappable Barebones Kit

Mxrskey CK820 75% Mechanical Hot-Swappable Barebones Kit

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Product Description
Mxrskey’s CK820 is a hot-swappable, CNC’d barebones mechanical keyboard that brings gasket-mounted action to a high-quality case—you just bring your favorite switches and keycaps. The CNC-machined aluminum case is formed into a fully encapsulated shell for plenty of durability and rigidity Read More

Customer Reviews

(4 reviews)
By Feature
Build Quality
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Paired SwitchPopular among reviewers
Aug 30, 2023
Paired Switch:Tactile
Keyboards Owned:6
checkVerified Buyer
The Mounting Plate Is Funky
I started replacing switches to Drop's Holy Panda and noticed that the switches didn't feel solid. A visual examination from above made it look like the switches were not mounting flush with the plate. I took the board apart and found that some of the switch holes were off-center or too small, preventing certain switches from mounting flush with the board. Poor quality control.
Recommends this product? No
Aug 13, 2023
Activities:Work & Gaming
Paired Switch:Tactile
Keyboards Owned:1
checkVerified Buyer
Fun and easy to put together. Love the look.
I put up a image of my keyboard right up after I had built it because I loved the look. (I got the grey version and it has the slightest hue of blue in it. ) This was my first bare-bones kit built and yes I would do it again. It was so much fun! I did however purchase the separate mxrskey 820 foam etc kit from another site and I was happy I had, I did not like the really flexible pc board this came with the kit and the other had a very stiff, metal board in it that I used. Many however will love it with the flexible board. The kit was easy to put together. For those who are wondering I used Leobog Icesoul switches after I debated using Epomakers Wisteria switches, tried both the tactile and linear versions - so very close but the Leobog's one out. I just liked the sound and feel a bit better. Not too loud but not silent either.
Recommends this product? Yes
Jul 21, 2023
Activities:Work & Gaming
Paired Switch:Tactile
Keyboards Owned:10
checkVerified Buyer
Nice looking KB, but it's pretty basic
This is a nice-looking KB, but there is a lot to be desired. Here are some thoughts on it:
  • The plastic plate is very warped and unevenly installed, the foam pads along the inside of the case hold the plate weirdly. making the switches all a bit uneven.
  • This thing sounds like ass and is way louder than any other KB that I've ever owned. The dampening pad does nothing to help this. I know messing with the switch and reassembling the KB will do nothing for it. The stabilizers also sound awful and will need replacing.
  • the knob LED can only be turned on and off. You can't change the lighting effect on it or switch it to a solid color.
  • When plugged into a cable, the battery indicator stays on. The color can't be changed either.
For the price, it would have been nice if it worked with QMK or VIA. I really do like the case on this tho.
May 4, 2023
Activities:Work & Gaming
Paired Switch:Clicky
Keyboards Owned:0
checkVerified Buyer
Great Frame!
Great functionality right out of the box. Everything looks and sounds perfect!
Recommends this product? Yes
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