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Showing 1 of 793 reviews about:
Jul 28, 2020
checkVerified Buyer
Fantastic at first
I used this as my daily driver, never moved it around or traveled. Received it probably 2 months ago. today it was connecting and disconnecting from my computer. I picked it up to look at it. the USB-c that holds the charger fell off/out. I get you get what you pay for. However all of the complicated components work fine. Appears there was a significant lack of effort on the charging port (which of course is the most crucial part for functionality) from the other reviews I read. Now my option is to pay for all inbound and outbound shipping as well as taxes, once again, for them to fix their mistake, really wish there fact that it seems 75% of peoples usb-c's break off was in the product description.
Recommends this product? No
Jul 29, 2020
jellosaladI'm pretty sure this would be covered by warranty.. Email customer service and they should arrange for a replacement to be shipped out.
Jul 29, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
Kevin"After finally getting a response back from Drop I am, once again, removing a star. They don't order extras to deal with issues people have so there's no way to get a replacement until they do another drop" Would be a quote from another user experiencing the same issues posted on today's date, so I don't think that suggestion will work, also getting a replacement with another broken USB-C connector just exacerbates the issue. I suppose it cant hurt to try....
Jul 29, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
jellosaladThere are 196 different unique case/switch/keycap combinations of the Planck V6, so while we have extras of certain configurations, it is not feasible to hold back multiple extras of all configurations. In regards to the USB Port, we see there are numerous reports about this and will be talking to the manufacturer about it. On a quick scan of our customer service database, I see fewer than 20 replacement requests associated with a broken USB Port- and I agree this should be fewer than 2. Across the 1000+ units sold, this is a high (needs to be addressed) but non-critical failure rate.
Jul 29, 2020
Jul 30, 2020
KevinI think people aren’t reporting their broken USB-C ports because it’s been made clear that neither Drop or OLKB is willing to do anything that would actually help. The 196 configurations is a misdirection because this is a problem with the current rev 6 PCB, which should only theoretically come in one variant, the key caps and case colors have nothing to do with the USB-C port not being affixed properly or -really- at all. Ordering an extra 5-10% of stock on items that have had KNOWN problems in previous revisions is industry practice. Across various subreddits and discord servers I have seen way more than twenty people with this issue and after seeing the way my roommate has been treated in this process, I am quite worried about any issues that may arise with the Preonic I have on order. Really sad to see issues of this magnitude being handled so nonchalantly by two of the most well known companies in this hobby. Certainly will not be purchasing another OLKB product again. Would rather give my money to people who are open and communicative with their community and willing to do what needs to be done to make good on their business. I understand that the pandemic is causing a lot of problems, and I hold no one personally or individually responsible; I know that most folks are doing the best they can. That being said, there are plenty of places to buy mechanical keyboard parts and adjacent hobby materials that are shipping fast, honest on their group buy timelines, and willing to replace defective items. This hobby is way too expensive to just leave people stranded like this.
Jul 30, 2020
Aug 14, 2020
jellosaladTo follow up on this for anybody interested, I did reach out to drop in regards to getting a replacement. They had extras of my layout and it is currently in the mail on its way to me. I do not have any update on whether or not the USB-C issue has been fixed or not. Drop however was very helpful and responsive in getting the replacement shipped to me.
Aug 14, 2020
May 29, 2021
VanjaSaschaI am trying to figure out what to do about my USB port, but asking support didn't help yes, they sent me here. It works with a USB-C USB 2 cable but not my normal USB 3 or 3.1 cable I use for all my other keyboards Preonic and CTRL. This seems to be a defect. Is this a soldering problem or a pinout problem?
May 29, 2021
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