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Silicone Gel Keycap Set

Silicone Gel Keycap Set

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630 Sold
Product Description
Made of silicone gel, this set of 104 keycaps offers a completely different typing experience—one you won’t get from traditional ABS and PBT plastic. For one thing, they’re slightly squishy to the touch Read More

I really want another one of this set. Very good sound dampening; great feel (it's pliable but firm; cartillage-y feel that is not as gruesome as it sounds). My set degraded in 2 years with sun exposure and yellowed (now i keep all my keebs covered while not in use.) and looks bad so had to throw them away. They hold on to dust; so if you are in a dusty environment dont go for these. Also; they don't hold stems as firmly as other keycaps; but usually don't have an issue with them coming off. I reckon some piece of saran wrap on the stems would make it hold firmer; but I haven't felt the need. If anyone knows where else to get this other than aliexpress; let me know.
Sep 8, 2020
I have had a set of these for just over 3 years now. They are on my primary keyboard. I'm a developer, have done all my typing on these keys. I love them. I'm a touch typist though, there is no legend on them. I have mostly white switches, with a couple browns for keys like backspace/caps lock etc, because with the white switches they bottom out and stay bottomed out (not the fault of these caps). I came from a fully brown keycap to white because I didn't like how the bump was not the actuation point (slightly further). Anyway these silicone caps feel soft and totally different than anything I've ever had and I've been computing since I was a kid (25 years or so). I originally had them on browns for about a year and they were great on that set too. They seem to not be popular so its really hard to get your hands on them, to be safe I bought 2 sets to have a backup for the future. The wider caps like spacebar/shift/tab etc can be a little problematic at times but I switched to a split keyboard so my spacebars are now only as wide as the shift keys. People are complaining of these popping off. I've had that happen maybe 10 tens over 3 years, I don't know how people are that hard on their keys unless they are aggressively angry or something. They do build up finger scum heavily but they are so easy to pop off that cleaning them is actually easier than regular plastic keys. I just use my finger nail to scrape it off quickly - they are soft so scraping them is easier than harder keys since they have more give to break it up. They also do 'shine' over from constant use but what caps don't? maybe metal? So if you like the idea of soft keycaps, just get these, you can always have the longer keys have some other caps to alleviate the weirdness of silicone over long keys having too much wobble. 100% recommend these.
Feb 8, 2019
I was very crazed and ordered a white one from Aliexpress When will the other colors be released again? I want to buy all the collars.
Sep 9, 2018
How much were these?
A community member
Aug 2, 2018
Newbie here. Need these ASAP and not completely understanding how MassDrop works. Am I waiting for enough people to want them? I also found NO PRICE anywhere. How did I commit to buying something when I have no idea how much they are? Any help is appreciated... Thank you.
Jul 19, 2018
I got these last time the Drop went live and, after reading some of the comments about the Silicone not staying on the key switches very good, I was skeptical as to whether or not I made a good choice in purchasing them. Got them in and, the comments weren't far off; these have a small chance of coming loose when typing, and in transit I always had at least one 'cap' come off when removing my keyboard from it's travel sleeve. HOWEVER, I converted to a Topre board (with absolutely no regrets) and got the Cherry MX key switch replacements from (also occasionally available on MassDrop) and, due to the shape of the custom Topre/MX replacements, these key caps stay solidly in place. I wanted to share this information in the event that anyone finds themselves in this unique set of keyboard circumstances they can be confident that these caps won't fall off their key switches at any time. Also, this is the smoothest and most amazingly comfortable typing experience that can be achieved on a keyboard, imho. I have the Leopold FC660C.
Edit (11/6/18): I stand by my statement; This is truly the smoothest feeling typing experience by far, as I've tried several other boards now. I'm astonished by the smoothness of the keystrokes. I also lubed the switches since my last posting which somehow improved the feel even further. The only key I struggle with is the Caps Lock key because it's the largest key that lacks a stabilizer. No complaints though. Love this.
Aug 1, 2018
@Fennec Checked my email history and, thanks to MassDrop's outstanding automated system, I see that I joined the Drop on June 13th, the Drop ended on the 17th and they shipped approx. 10 days later, on the 27th. Shipped from New Jersey if I remember correctly, only about a week or so lead time to California.
Aug 1, 2018
KeeblurAlright thanks so much! hopefully They’ll be out soon
Jun 12, 2018
Omg thank you thank you thank you I have been dreaming of a silicon key cap set for years. I already committed but if there is ever a DSA profile option I will be buying it in every color
Jun 12, 2018
are they actually soft to the touch?
Jul 19, 2018
ShalakazaamDreamily soft, yes. Like typing on cozy cushions.
Jul 19, 2018
Jun 12, 2018
ooh, just make every key a dust magnet! awesome idea!
Jun 12, 2018
*removes hand slowly from bag of cheetos* Oh... OOoooooooooh.
Jun 12, 2018
Not_That_Guyexactly that
oh how i wish these had legends :( i just cant do away with those.
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I have had a set of these for just over 3 years now. They are on my primary keyboard. I'm a developer, have done all my typing on these keys. I love them. I'm a touch typist though, there is no legend on them. I have mostly white switches, with a couple browns for keys like backspace/caps lock etc, because with the white switches they bottom out and stay bottomed out (not the fault of these caps). I came from a fully brown keycap to white because I didn't like how the bump was not the actuation point (slightly further). Anyway these silicone caps feel soft and totally different than anything I've ever had and I've been computing since I was a kid (25 years or so). I originally had them on browns for about a year and they were great on that set too. They seem to not be popular so its really hard to get your hands on them, to be safe I bought 2 sets to have a backup for the future. The wider caps like spacebar/shift/tab etc can be a little problematic at times but I switched to a split keyboard so my spacebars are now only as wide as the shift keys. People are complaining of these popping off. I've had that happen maybe 10 tens over 3 years, I don't know how people are that hard on their keys unless they are aggressively angry or something. They do build up finger scum heavily but they are so easy to pop off that cleaning them is actually easier than regular plastic keys. I just use my finger nail to scrape it off quickly - they are soft so scraping them is easier than harder keys since they have more give to break it up. They also do 'shine' over from constant use but what caps don't? maybe metal? So if you like the idea of soft keycaps, just get these, you can always have the longer keys have some other caps to alleviate the weirdness of silicone over long keys having too much wobble. 100% recommend these.
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