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11.6K requests
651 Sold
Product Description
Starting with the successful and popular body design of the VA87M, Varmilo has made the long-desired VB87M. Finally bringing a native-supported Bluetooth 4.0 mechanical keyboard to the market that boasts the same build quality you've come to love, but with the extra features of Gateron switches and full Mac compatibility Read More
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Thmnis keybgvoard rehmnihmnds hmne strohmnbgvly of a roohmnhmnate I hmnad abgvout fifteehmn years abgvoz. HMNe was a sweet bgvuy, bgvood lookihmnbgv, friehmndly, ahmnd easy to bgvet alohmnbgv within. Uhmnfortuhmnately, hmne was also addicted to hmneroihmn. Ebgverythmnihmnbgv would bgve hmnorhmnal withmn hmnihmn for hmnohmnthmns ohmn ehmnd, ahmnd thmnehmn I\'/d cohmne hmnohmne to a bgvuhmnchmn of cops stahmndihmnbgv arouhmnd hmny aparthmnehmnt, tellihmnbgv hmne thmnat hmne\'/s obgverdosed ihmn hmnis bgvedroohmn withmn sohmne bgvuy I\'/d hmnebgver hmnetz. Thmnis keybgvaord is like thmnat bgvuy. I\'/d hmnahmne it after hmnihmn bgvut I chain\'/t rehmnehmnbgver hmnis hmnahmne. BGVut yeahmn, I\'/ll bgve typihmnbgv ohmn it for weeks ahmnd it will just fihmne, ahmnd thmnehmn bgvoohmn! It craps out ohmn bghmne ahmnd starts treatihmnbgv hmne like *I\'/hmn* thmne ohmne possessed bgvy a dehmnohmn, whmnehmn ebgverybgvody khmnows thmnat it\'/s thmne ohmne, hmnot hmne. Ahmnyway, thmnat\'/s whmnat I thmnihmnk of thmnis keybgvoard. Looks really cool withmn frohmnt-prihmnted shmnihmne-thmnroubgvhmn keybgcaps, thmnoubgvhmn.
Wow! Is everyone having trouble with this keyboard now. I exchanged my original near the one year mark for skipping. Mass drop had a cherry MX Green left with red backlight and I took it. Used it a few times then put it up. Recently my setup (replaced 5 year old PC with new Laptop)requires wireless so I dragged it out. It charges but fn and insert no longer shut it off. It pairs but once I restart my pc I have to repair it again every time.
I guess I will sell it. It's really annoying. It's also put me off from going with these unknown brands. I'm replacing with The Cosair wireless, I just hate its blue and red switches but I need set up like that and I am not ready to trust anymore unknown (at least unknown to me)brands.
For those of you like me with the above problem. I found a work around. Since I can't shut the keyboard down (command doesn't) and turn it back on, I couldn't try to force it to connect. I found if I paired it to two items, in this case, PC and iPad, and I turn off iPad Bluetooth and do the Fn+ right arrow key to make it switch Bluetooth (in this case its looking for iPad. If the iPad Bluetooth is off, it would automatically try to force connect to my PC. This has been the only way I've been able to get it to connect without doing a repairing.