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Apr 18, 2015
Nice to see an ISO Keyboard on MD, but there're things i don't understand.
Why have you choosen this option of the poll: 563 votes, but only 28 votes/rank 6 for this. Regarding lowest price we save 25$ compared to WASD, but we although loose the option for keycap configuration. People have to know this to decide which is worth more for them.
Why only brown switches, it's no problem at all to get ISO Keyboards/mx brown in Europe. I know the dip switches, but in german forums people never ask for dip switches, they would rather like to see different switches like clears/greens on ISO Keyboards, because this is hard to get here. Both options are given at WASD for 10$ more.
For me there is no reason to buy this on MD. Being german, the only reasons to import an ISO Keyboard to Europe are not given, hard to get switches and keycap config to my own liking. Paying around 190$ after shipping and tax only for dip switches, well i don't know. I can get 2-3 well build CM keyboards for that money.
All of this is only me, and i love MD, but i can't see the sense of this drop.
Apr 18, 2015
MakamiI am Italian and it costs pretty much the same if I'm going to buy it from their site, I agree with you 100%
Apr 18, 2015
taiottaviosTo be fair, buying this at WASD would be around 235$ with shipping and tax for me, around 245$ with clears/greens, but i could although configure my caps.
Europeans don't lack ISO keyboards with red/brown/black/blue switches, we lack clears/greens/gray switches and keycapsets with ISO option for reasonable prices, what ever reasonable may be.
Have a nice weekend
Edit: If you're from Europe and want ISO Layout - Vortex Backlit Doubleshot PBT Keycaps give this IC some love:
MakamiThere was a large poll for this specific keyboard and it was the clear winner.
Apr 18, 2015
AndrewLekashmanHello Andrew,
following your link on the description page states something else: Here's one of the winning options from the poll started by mmitiaguin.
WASD V2 88-Key ISO Custom Mechanical Keyboard / Suggested by noobidoo / 28 votes
MakamiMakami, I think Andrew is talking about this poll, which is why we requested WASD for this particular keyboard.
Edit: We'll talk to WASD tomorrow to see if we can get other switches.
Apr 20, 2015
kunalkumarGuess you're right, that poll makes this drop understandable, besides the switch option(s). It seems to be mixed up on the description page, but sometimes shit happens.
Apr 22, 2015
kunalkumarClears would be nice! And possibly an option for with or without keycaps?
Apr 24, 2015
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