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403 requests
Product Description
Tube versus transistor: it’s an age-old amplifier matchup, with the winner often coming down to preference. When you can’t decide, xDuoo’s MT-602 headphone amp settles the score by bringing you both Read More
My short answer. This amp has power. In general, higher ohm headphones sound better to me with this amp. It is a great amp especially for the price. So there’s that.
My long answer. I have Sivga headphones rated at 32 ohms. While they sound great with this amp, you just can’t turn up the volume with this pairing. Very loud. Something to note - on my unit, when the volume knob is set low it sounds like the balance between left channel and right is uneven. I read that others have experienced that also. With a higher ohm headphone I am able to turn the volume knob higher so that balance issue is gone. Now, that being said, I still use my Sivgas with this amp because I like those headphones and I like this amp. I just remember to find the right volume so it’s not so low the balance is uneven and it’s not so loud my ears bleed. Hope this helps.
I have this amp and I’m using it with my Audio Technica headphones without problem.My question is, I’m planing to buy Beyer Dynamics DT 990 Premium 600 ohm. can this amp drive those headphones with descent sound quality or not ?
I use this amp with the Sennheiser 6XX. Those are 300 ohm and this amp pushes volume much farther than I need. This amp has power and sounds fantastic. Tube amps seem to play well with headphones that have higher ohm ratings. The price on this amp is great, might be worth a try.