.....SUX. Extra DAYS added to delivery,(when it had to come through my town to be handed over to the USPS), Extra RISK of damage to packages. Let's face it, there's extra hurling about of packages by people who could not give a RATS ASS about my gear, hurling around by postal guys who HATE that added packages were loaded onto their route..... PLUS. EXTRA RESOURCE USE, EXTRA CARBON FOOTPRINT. Which is a MINUS, in my book. we really can't do better? why is it that SOME Massdrop deliveries ARE Fedex, while others have this added postal link in the resource/carbon spewing chain? You guys probly know I don't whine much, I try to be pretty happy about All Things Massdrop. But. DANG. Just seems kinda extra and wasteful and stupid. Especially these days. I am just being a cheerleader over here. Bein' all HOPEFUL an' all. :)
Dec 21, 2017