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What gives with the delivery times?

I do not mean to come across as hostile in any way, but I need some perspective from my fellow Europeans regarding shipping and how long it takes. I'm from Slovenia, not that far away from Germany, which is where my 58X Jubilees supposedly left over a month ago. I made my purchase on March 11th, Drop sent out the package to DHL and it arrived in Frankfurt Germany on March 17th and from what I can tell, the package was processed and sent out towards me. Here is the problem; Nothing, and I mean NOTHING in the history of EVER has taken this long to arrive from Germany to Slovenia. To claim otherwise would be absurd. Since the 17th, there has been 0 progress made in the location of my order.
Despite several attempts at contacting DHL, I have not been notified about the location of my package and have been repeatedly meet with auto bot replies. I'm concerned that DHL have lost or neglected to ship my package and Drop's customer support are basically telling me to eff off and wait till an arbitrary date for them to actually start doing something about it. Please tell me I'm not the only one who's had this issue...

Nov 18, 2021
To my experience, packages that go thru Frankfurt Airport from outside the EU can be hold back by customs for a couple of weeks with no progress. It's definetly German customs to blame and not Drop.
Sep 12, 2020
Based on these comments? I'm requesting a refund and going with my original purchase plan.
just massdrop things
May 4, 2020
My 58X is also still on the way. Mine is stuck for over a week in Belgian customs for some reason. Doesn't really happen with other deliveries.
May 4, 2020
In my case, the delay is mainly from my country's postal service. Drop has shipped pretty fast, but after it has reached India (in Asia, just in case you are not aware - not to insult your general knowledge :) ), it seems to 'pause' for a long time. We are in a lockdown, but the postal services are still working. My Senn HD 6xx got delivered after more than 2 months. Lol, I believe you even without screen shots. My Topping D10 is stuck in China for more than a month now, not even reached India. Then, the wait continues. I am a 43 yr old waiting like a 5 yr old kid for his favorite toy. You are not the only one. I will suggest something counter-intuitive (and you might not like it). Please reconsider pursuing it with the postal/courier folks, and only send a note to Drop. It will replace a product if its lost. After a certain point, the risk is in losing your mind, rather than the headphones. BTW, I am enjoying the headphones.
Jun 2, 2021
pradeep-sDid u have to pay customs and if so how much for sennheiser hd 6xx
Apr 23, 2020
I'm experiencing something similar. After a long delay just to get an in-stock package out of Drop's own warehouse, it was finally shipped to Europe. Unfortunately, it was then held by customs, which is where it remains stuck after a full week. Only Drop can enquire as to the status or reason for the delay and they won't answer emails or open support tickets. Zero response. This is my first experience with Drop and while I understand delays and complications under the circumstances, the lack of communication is unacceptable. Are they typically this bad?
Apr 26, 2020
STBCNIs the communication this bad usually? Yes.
Apr 20, 2020
Did you encounter the “Covid” excuse ? Which is Drops go to excuse. You ask Drop where is my order, they reply it’s delayed due to Covid! What BS.
Apr 20, 2020
wofseI did, every single time infact. Don't get me wrong, delays due to covid are understandable, but not of this magnitude. That's just an excuse for not keeping up their end of the deal.
Apr 20, 2020
wofseI think they realized an additional profit by taking fees for regular and 2 day shipping while actually using economy shipping all the while pointing to Covid as the culprit.
Apr 20, 2020
I feel for you. I had a nice system ordered months ago. We just have to understand that things will take a while to get to normal. I see this as mostly political but good practice for something really bad. There are bugs out there that are deadly. If one break out we have to be ready. The things we learn from this could save the world someday.
Apr 19, 2020
Another little update for anyone following this discussion: After getting nowhere with both DHL and Drop, seeing my package remain stationary for over a month, I was ready to demand a chargeback from my creditcard company. I let Drop's support know this and told myself if I was given another canned, copy-pasted reply with changed dates that I would proceed with this plan. A day or 2 after my message (which was quite long, elaborative and demanding) I got my reply and wouldn't you know it, I'm met with the same "wait another 2 weeks" mantra that I've been given since my 1st time contacting Drop support. The very next day, mere moments before I was about to call my credit card company and talking about how a chargeback would be initiated, I check my tracking and see that my package has FINALLY arrived at my country customs, where it's currently being held. I am incredibly disappointed that it took threatening a chargeback to get the package moving. It's been a month, an entire freaking months since my package landed in Germany and it took 30 days to move it 300 miles? Even if it's finally moved, there is no excuse for this piss poor shipping and lack of transparency and openness from Drops side. I'm now expecting my order to arrive in tip-top condition, or there will be hell to pay.
May 4, 2020
Alex_MCADI responded to your first post, before reading this. >> I am incredibly disappointed that it took threatening a chargeback to get the package moving. >> In my case, Drop was ready to cancel the order and reimburse, but I opted not to. The package arrived much later, and it is in perfect condition - the packaging and the headphones. It might be DHL or your postal service that's the reason for the delay.
Apr 18, 2020
I just want you to know that I received the 58X in 18 days (Netherlands). My experience communicating with Drop was very plesent and helpfull. I hope your buy will succesfully be delivered soon!
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