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Dec 28, 2020
Well I got a shipping confirmation for the 4XX today. Only a little over a month after I and I'm sure everyone else ordered them. I really hope next year you get it in order DROP. Plan your inventory better and be better about updates in the initial stages. I appreciate that the updates got better, but they were awful in the the beginning. You are in the retail business, your only job is to keep customers happy and informed, while maintaining your stock for quick turnarounds on your products. I guess what I'm saying is be preemptive. Y'all knew this was going to be a huge sale and should've already had a huge stock or had a ton of product on order. Be proactive instead of reactive. People are not going to continue to shop with a place that can't get them their products in reasonable time.
Dec 28, 2020
Dec 29, 2020
SpydieHolesForDaysYou seem to live under a rock. Manufacturing and logistics has been heavily impacted by covid work restrictions. You're bashing with no knowledge of how DROP handles supply chain management and also bashing for things largely out of their control.
Dec 29, 2020
Dec 29, 2020
JARiSI actually have 2 different homes in 2 different states, neither of which are under rocks currently. You seem to be living under the COVID rock though. Manufacturing issues are alleviated by ordering earlier to preempt large sales like Black Friday that happen every year, especially when most manufacturing is back to full capacity as most of it occurs in China where they have allegedly conquered COVID. (Little secret, DROP has these problems every year, all year) Also, logistics is not a valid excuse anymore as shipping is basically back to full capacity and has been for quite a while. I know this as I work in aviation and have ties with a company that works directly with UPS as a feeder carrier. Why is it that Amazon has no issue getting nearly anything I order to me in 2 days? DROP themselves said that they only have 12 people working in a warehouse that is likely trying to process 10's of thousands of orders. That's on them. They also confirmed to me privately that they have a crappy carrier agreement that prevents them from being able to do things like expediting orders. Again, on them, not anyone else. Stop defending the bad business practices of a company that knows better. These are the same complaints they have got for years now and they do nothing to change it. The only way any of this gets better with DROP is if people point out their failures. I have ordered from DROP for years now and love both their products and their quirckyness as a company. But they have a responsibility to their customers and they did a poor job fulfilling that this time.
Dec 29, 2020
Dec 29, 2020
SpydieHolesForDaysAll gossip with no solid proof (source: trust me, bro). I can throw my credentials at you, too but without data then there's no credibility there. Fact is you're speculating about a great many things and recklessly jumping to conclusions. DROP is one of dozens if not hundreds of middlemen that manufacturers have to scramble to catch up on orders with (edit: not to mention it's not DROPs business model to keep a large supply in stock - you know, with runs and all). For a shop their size, with an unprecedented volume of orders this year, and the worldwide conditions, I'd say they've fared well.
Dec 29, 2020
Dec 29, 2020
JARiSAll gossip with no solid proof (source: trust me, bro). I can throw my credentials at you, too but without data then there's no credibility there. Do a little research and you will find that carriers have publicly announced issues related to COVID have mostly been alleviated, with the exception of the USPS who is always a disaster. FedEx and UPS have both stated that operations within the US are operating mostly as normal unless states issue orders that affect their ability to operate normally, like stay at home and curfews. I'm not sure about FedEx, but I know that UPS is also mostly back to capacity on the global scale. I'm not about to show you my license or reveal the companies that I work with. That would be really stupid for someone in my position to do. Fact is you're speculating about a great many things and recklessly jumping to conclusions. Please elaborate on my wild speculations. Not sure what you are going on about. DROP is one of dozens if not hundreds of middlemen that manufacturers have to scramble to catch up on orders with (edit: not to mention it's not DROPs business model to keep a large supply in stock - you know, with runs and all). Amazon seems to keep everything in stock fine. Apos had no issue keeping high end audio products in stock and shipping them with expediency. I can go on with a whole mess of companies that operate in the same space as DROP and didn't have these issues. Also, products like the 4XX, 58X, 6XX, and so on are not products that are done on the group buy model that they use for other products. These are products that they advertise as having "Ready to Ship" most of the time. Meaning that they keep them in stock ready to ship out. They talked about making this change on a whole bunch of their products a while back. For a shop their size, with an unprecedented volume of orders this year, and the worldwide conditions, I'd say they've fared well. DROP is a fairly large company that has plenty of capability to operate in a better manner. They promised dates they couldn't meet and then backed those dates up multiple times. They failed to keep people updated for weeks and then only after I and many other people called them out on it did they start to give regular updates on a bunch of products. These issues are not unique to this situation either. DROP has a history and reputation for doing things like this. They should not make promises or state things that they are incapable of standing behind. That is bad business and there is no excuse for it. I'm done arguing with you though. The beautiful thing about America is that I can vote with my wallet and that is what I did. Instead of coming back to DROP to spend hundreds of more dollars, I went elsewhere. (Those products made it before Christmas even though they were ordered from a smaller retailer weeks after I made my DROP order) You can believe and say whatever you'd like. It is not going to change my position in this. I suspect that you are not going to be swayed either. So with that, I'd propose we agree to disagree and move on. Have a good day, I know I will with the products that actually made it here days ago...
Dec 29, 2020
Dec 29, 2020
SpydieHolesForDaysYou hit the nail on the head. All we can do is vote with your wallet. Hope your happy with your product wherever you get it from.
Dec 29, 2020
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