In the 1960s the world was hanging by a thread. Enemy leaders threatened each other to create nuclear destruction, the likes of which the planet had never seen. 13 Days: The Cuban Missile Crisis is a game set in the 1962 standoff between the US and the Soviet Union. See how well you can balance the temptations of prestige and the perils of world destruction as the events unfold over arguably the scariest 13 days in American history. Play as Kennedy or Kruschev in an attempt to come out of the conflict the more potent superpower. Also included is 13 Minutes: The Cuban Missile Crisis. A smaller version of the game, it takes just 13 minutes to play. Each card you play creates a new battleground, so the world map is always in flux. Both games are rich with history, yet approachable for players with no knowledge of the crisis.
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13 Minutes: The Cuban Missile Crisis
13 Days: The Cuban Missile Crisis
Estimated ship date is Sep 17, 2018 PT.
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