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Blue Sadie Headphones

Blue Sadie Headphones

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Product Description
For the past 20 years, Blue microphones have been a staple for studio recording, podcasting, and more. Now, the company brings its audio expertise to the world of headphones with the Sadie Read More

Sep 13, 2018
how much were these selling for here?
Mar 2, 2018
To counter some of the people here - I own a set of these, and LOVE them. The built-in amp sounds good, they are very comfortable. While they're heavier than most, they don't bother me. I am comfortable using these both for home listening and office listening.
Feb 11, 2019
I'm so sorry, I didn't notice this question until now - did you ever end up getting them? The sound signature varies greatly based on the use of the built-in amplifier. Generally speaking I'd call them fairly flat with a low-end bump. The sound stage isn't the largest I've ever heard, but good for closed-back. I like them for rock, hip hop, not my favorite for jazz or classical.
Feb 12, 2019
thelemurI love them, more than the Ellas I bought and sold. The Ellas were very flat and accurate, but there were some driver inconsistencies between frequencies I could hear. I changed amps and DACs, same problem. So, maybe I was a QC issue. As for the Sadies- love them and kept them. A lot of body to vocals, more of a pleasure to listen to, subjectively, has a more analog sound. I simply love them with tubes and SS amps. I use it with my CTH and Genalex Gold Lions, and my THX 789. DAC is now an SMSL SU-8 version 1.3. So much excellent texture in instruments and vocals, and they have that dynamic driver impact. The Ella, like some other planars, felt a bit too flat. I think the Sadie MSRP is overpriced, but it’s performance and quality is under appreciated. Definitely a leisure HP - so enjoyable.
Mar 1, 2018
I listened to these briefly at a local Microcenter after being attracted by their...interesting aesthetics. Source was my Oppo HA2-SE, lossless FLAC via USB Audio Player Pro out of my HTC 10. I can't speak in detail since I wasn't planning on sharing my thoughts, but I came away thinking they were awful, very congested sounding. The Audio Technica MSR7's next to them sounded much better to me at the time at less than half of the price (although they aren't really my taste).
Feb 28, 2018
I’m sure these are probably are terrible, not interested. But the Sadie is way better looking than the Ella.
Feb 28, 2018
The hype is truly overwhelming for these headphones. How did these become a drop?
Feb 27, 2018
Having owned dozens of headphones over the last 20 years, I would consider myself a headphone enthusiast. I briefly owned the Blue Mo-Fi, the original Blue headphone (with an amplifier built-in) of which the Sadie is based. Out of the box, my impression of the Mo-Fi was that it was the heaviest (about a 1-pound), largest, darkest (reduced treble), and tightest-clamping headphones I've ever owned... by far. While I could easily forgive their size, any one of those three other negatives made them completely unacceptable. Unfortunately, they had all three in spades.
While it's possible that Blue has improved the sound over the Mo-Fi, their size, weight, and clamp (uncomfortably tight just to keep them from falling off of one's head) remains similar or the same.
So unless your looking for neck exercises (and a thinner head) from your headphones, the Blue Sadie should be an hard pass - especially at this price.
Feb 27, 2018
I have the OG Blue Mo-Fi cans with the built in amp and dig em. They are a bit heavy and the head clamping can be too much if not adjusted correctly for your noggin, but I love that I can use em straight out of any source including my iPhone without the need for an external amp.
Oct 30, 2018
I still have and use them when I need the sound isolation. The sound signature is pretty bass heavy on the amp'd bass setting and fairly neutral when its in un-amped mode. I'm looking for an open, airy set of cans and interested in the planar magnetics offered on here now.
Oct 30, 2018
RoDillaThanks, I bought these blindly and based on what reviews I could find. I’m waiting for them to arrive and hope they are aurally satisfying. Was the treble a bit rolled? The bass tight or slightly muddy?
Feb 27, 2018
yes ... at the price, why not get some planner magnectics ? 0.o
Feb 27, 2018
I love the idea of headphones with a built in amplifier without adding all of the wireless stuff. Powered speakers with amps designed to match the drivers can often outperform passive speakers, so why shouldn’t it be the same with headphones?
My big question with these is ho are they different from the Blue Mo-Fi and Blue Mix-Fi that are both on Amazon for $299? What makes the Sadie worth the extra cash?
Feb 27, 2018
tutetibiimperes$40 extra for updated aesthetics (light up logo, etc), a thinner/lighter headband, and slightly adjusted sound signature.
Oct 29, 2018
RoDillaDo you recall how the sound sig has changed?
Feb 27, 2018
why would you want this ???
Feb 28, 2018
Lol.... My thoughts exactly
Feb 28, 2018
Had to check the weight, 444 grams would break my neck for extended use...
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