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CSTC40 40% Mechanical Keyboard Kit

CSTC40 40% Mechanical Keyboard Kit

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317 requests
122 Sold
Product Description
The CSTC40 is a high-end choice for a barebones 40% keyboard kit, because it brings all the features you’ll want from an enthusiast setup, without any unnecessary bells and whistles. At just 9 inches wide and a little over 3 inches tall, the keyboard streamlines your setup with an ortho layout that’s cozy and comfortable—all while maintaining plenty of desk space around it Read More

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Y-o-s-h-irecieved a message from Drop. Unfortunately, the product run for the CSTC40 40% Mechanical Keyboard Kit didn’t get enough participation, so all orders will be cancelled. We’re processing a refund

Every time I see a keyboard posted with the Tecsee bluesky switches and I know it doesn't come with them and i cant buy them here I die a little inside.
For those that are trying to configure this keyboard with the online VIA configurator, use the linked JSON layout file, upload it on the design tab, select "Use V2 definitions" and you should be good to go. You may have to enable the Design tab in the Settings menu of VIA.
May 3, 2023
Does the kit contain stabs?
Apr 19, 2023
I am so sad I missed out on this 😭
May 1, 2023
equaluniqueI don't think it reached MOQ before, but it's back now.
Mar 7, 2023
This is one of the cheapest 40% I've ever seen and it's fully programmable? That's a pretty tempting deal in my book.
Mar 4, 2023
No grid layout + No encoder support = No buy.
I would never support a company like KPRepublic.
Oct 19, 2022
PykkWhat did they do now? :) Sorry, I'm out of the loop. Bought from them a few times and it went quite smoothly. Just curious.
OrangeShadowFor me personally, they charged me for a product I didn’t order and didn’t receive. They strung me along for over a year asking me to contact different people about the refund just to decide in the end that they would not be giving it. Now I know reason they waited so long is PayPal will only cover purchases for a certain amount of time. So now I know to go directly to PayPal and ignore what the seller says, but that doesn’t excuse their behavior. They selectively scam so that to 90% of people they seem legit and the remaining 10% they scam don’t have enough of a voice to change anything. I’m not going to try to convince you not to use them, but I certainly won’t. They don’t do anything good or unique anyway so they are not hard to avoid.
Oct 18, 2022
North facing LEDs, 40%, Ortholinear. I have no idea who this keyboard is targeting.
Oct 19, 2022
Sorry, my original comment came off as a little "tone deaf". My point was that 40s users wouldn't like it due to the north facing LEDs. I made an assumption that north facing LEDs is made for shine-through caps which is typically targeted towards gamers. I doubt most gamers would pick up a 40s ortholinear. As a result, I don't know which demographic would be targeted to this keyboard other than those who are just curious. But all of this is a bold assumption. I'm a happy Hubris and Reviung user. No hate to 40s. :)
Mar 5, 2023
edaogPeople who just buy for it to be hung on the wall.
Oct 18, 2022
57 Keys, CNCd aluminium case, 39 Dollars..? Am I looking at the wrong images? What's going on here?? Update: Info has been corrected!
Oct 20, 2022
I didn't know about this as I'm new to this mk world. I have north-facing switches in the keyb I use and when I got a small macropad with south-facing ones, I couldn't stand it. The LEDs always blinding me made me turn them off for good. Maybe it was the keycaps that didn't cover the light bleed from underneath and let me see the LED unobstructed, but despite all the hype about south-facing, I prefer north. This keyb seems to be right for me. Am I a heretic apostate? XD
Mar 5, 2023
if you didn't use GMK keycaps it would be recommended for cheap ortho
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