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Jul 11, 2024
Can we post, in order of best synergy, which DACs/Amps combos have been found to be a good match for the OEA1? These are the combos I used: 1. Geshelli Labs JNOG2 J2S - AKM 4499 DAC Chip (fitted with one Sparkos SS2590 Pro and two Sparkos SS3602 opamps) and Aune S17 Pro headphone amplifier (best sonic synergy - this combo is sublime and powerful!) 2. Rod Rain Audio DA10 (souped-up with three Oracle III-02 opamps) and Schiit Vali 3 3. JDS EL DAC II and Garage1217 Project Starlight Tube (with two Burson V7 vivids opamps) Please reply posting yours!
Jul 11, 2024
Jul 11, 2024
TekronXI've tried them on my portable Shanling H5 on high gain mode. Like it with the velvelty AKM dac My desktop is Gustard R26 and Burson Soloist 3XGT (with V7 vivid opamps) (I've only used the braided balanced cable so far) Honestly I like the OEA1 on both setups! But I feel they really do need a hefty amount of power to drive them at their best.
Jul 11, 2024
Jul 11, 2024
MikeypasYes, I do like that velvety texture you mention, in my case, provided by the AKM 4499 chip in the Geshelli J2S DAC. The OAE1 is somehow power hungry as you say and the amount of Class-A power the Aune S17 provides, in fully balanced output, works really well on my preferred combo.
Jul 11, 2024
Jul 11, 2024
TekronXSince this is 38 ohms and is not entirely resistive, I personally just stuck with my default set up in the SMSL SH-9/SMSL DO 100. It's very low output impedance, has digital volume control for perfect channel balance (Important for highly sensitive headphones) and has wad of power like 6-3 watts at lower impedances. The headphone is quite darkish already, so I personally wouldn't try to tube it or something. Not that I would change my set up for one headphone. I have a collection so I just set it and forget it. I can power highly sensitive cans like a Th-X00 or an AKG K1000 no problem, I really value the versatility. These headphones in particular, I do believe however require some proper amplification. As the driver is farther from the ear than most headphones and is not directly fired parallel to the pinna. It's around the same ballpark of an AKG K612/Q701. I recommend some of the THX stuff for the most bang of the buck for power needs. Using these with a phone or laptop is definitely a mistake. Though it will be just passable.
Jul 11, 2024
Jul 12, 2024
TekronXsounds very good with the magni unity with internal dac and the modius + jotunheim! seems to sound good with low output impedance sources with lots of power and a roughly neutral signature
Jul 12, 2024
Keyboard Club Member
Jul 12, 2024
TekronX1.) iPad Air > 15 cm Fasgear USB cable (short cheap and good) > Chord Mojo 2 > wireworld 3.5mm to RCA cable > Cavalli Liquid Carbon. 2.) iPad Air > Apogee Groove > Monoprice Liquid Spark 2.) iPad Air > Apogee Groove 3.) iPad Air > Chord Mojo 2 3.) iPad Air > FiiO BTR15 I realize the #1 setup costs more upstream than the headphone, but I love it! I have three of the $9 Apple Dongles, and they’re okay in a pinch, there’s enough volume with the OAE1, but they limit the sound and I feel the lower the frequency is, the more anemic and less dynamic it sounds, and everything sounds more strained (the combination of the anemic bass and strained sound makes the treble a bit glaring for me). The Mojo 2 is technically better than the Groove in most respects, but I feel like the Groove is an excellent balance between analytical and fun, so I enjoy it more. The Mojo is an excellent DAC, the Mojo 2 even more transparent than the last, but its neutrality doesn’t “give me the fizz” until I get used to listening to it for awhile 😂 It’s great for complex pieces though.
Jul 12, 2024
Keyboard Club Member
Jul 12, 2024
MadnewsQHey, I also have an AKG K612 Pro! There are dozens of us, DOZENS!
Jul 12, 2024
Jul 18, 2024
TekronXI've been digging them on all of the amps I've tried them on. I've slowly been working my way through my amps, all connected to a Schiit Bifrost2/64 and Behringer X32. So far my favorite has been my Eufonika H22M (RCA 5692 black and Toshiba Hi-S 6080). The cans are a bit lower on the Ωs than I generally like on OTL, but they really respond to the amp well. Very fun sound. Schiit Lyr+ (RCA 5692 Red), Drop CTH (National [Matsushita] 6DJ8), and Monoprice Liquid Platinum (Amprex 7308) also make with the delicious power these cans need. The Lyr+ is a bit more relaxed than the CTH and Platinum so I tend to grab it, but the CTH and Platinum both work very well for techno with these cans. The Drop LCX and THX 789 both handle them the same way they handle every other set of cans I've thrown at them. LCX makes them sound a bit darker and the 789 lets the DAC and stock can tuning shine. I'd have been superbly disappointed if either of these amps didn't work well with them. They even do a fairly good job when feeding directly off of the Behringer X32 monitor port, as I found out during a heatwave that left my AC melted and my tube amps prone to melting me. Like, I'd never pick it over using one of the real amps, but for computer audio (youtube, games, etc) and light listening it didn't leave me grabbing other solid state. I'm thinking next weekend I'll swap the H22M for something transformer coupled like the Muzishare i3 (Voskhod 6N2P-ER and Svetlana 6P1P-EV) or X3T (Matsushita 12AX7, EL84, and 5AR4). Both have treated dynamics in this Ω range well in the past. Low key wondering how well they'll work with Schiit Folkvangr. Some lower Ω cans really work well on it, others are hot mess. Considering how much I've been enjoying them on the H22M, I might just have to brave the heat load and find out. Maybe.
Jul 18, 2024
Jul 24, 2024
TekronXJust adding on that I am using the SMSL SU-8S and the DROP + THX AAA ONE to good effect. Gain on the amp is set to the middle setting and volume on the amp is right in the middle as well.
Jul 24, 2024
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