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Dwarf Factory Keycasaurus Artisan Keycap

Dwarf Factory Keycasaurus Artisan Keycap

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Product Description
Bringing back the dinosaurs is the ultimate pipe dream—and Dwarf Factory has now made it the ultimate type dream. Depicting a tiny dinosaur frozen in a pristine resin dome, the Keycasaurus brings adorable, prehistoric ferocity to any keyboard Read More

Hello friends from Drop! The newest keycaps collection from Dwarf Factory is Keycasaurus. This is not just a simple dinosaur keycap, it’s the dino eggs that hatches the most familiar dinosaurs to all of us.  Consisting of 2 carnivores and 2 herbivores, we present you T-Wrex, Razord, Hammerit, and Bumperboi. Each is based on the famous giants of legends that we know from the media, such as T-Rex, Velociraptor, Ankylosaurus, and Stygimoloch respectively. Meanwhile the colorways of each Keycasaurus is based on the old assumption that dinosaurs were green or brown like many modern reptiles, and the new discovery that dinosaurs may have vivid feathers as the modern birds. Still, the main idea of Keycasaurus is dinosaur eggs which have been incubated since the beginning of Dwarf Factory. When you purchase and unbox the keycap, you’ll see the realistic sculpt, the intense details, the time and effort of 4 years put neatly in just the 1-unit keycap. You’re gonna love it. Again, thank you for your interest in Keycasaurus, and your support for Dwarf Factory through the years. Until next time! Dwarf Factory
DwarfFactoryLove this one!
DwarfFactoryIve been collecting your keycaps for a while.. been waiting for a drop like this 🙏🙏thank you!
Jun 29, 2022
Please add a green t-rex.
tombreazWe will consider about it 😚
Jun 29, 2022
Why are there egg keys present if we cannot order them?
Jun 30, 2022
Oh, is it a cap over the baby dino?
Jun 30, 2022
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