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Dwarf Factory The Pastry House Artisan Keycap

Dwarf Factory The Pastry House Artisan Keycap

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753 requests
922 Sold
Product Description
Dwarf Factory worked up an appetite with its Foodie artisan keycaps. Now, the brand is back with dessert Read More

Jul 22, 2022
Does anyone know if this will be coming back at all?
Aug 13, 2021
Will The Pastry be making a return? I want them all!
Aug 19, 2021
I saw it, but I wanted the all bundle and it was out of stock at that time :(
Aug 19, 2021
Novelflyer15Sounds more like a sale after making an inventory than a real new batch, since the chocolate one was sold out in a matter of hours
Aug 13, 2021
Is the chocolate one already gone or was not available? And where are the matcha themed ones? edit: 2 already gone! OMG thank god I was fast
Feb 12, 2021
Getting hungry! Will The Pastry be making a return?
Oct 22, 2020
So I got mine in today, and they came with gloves? Does that mean you shouldn't be touching them? Kind of silly when they're supposed to go on a keyboard.
battloid.koujiWell, If you don't like using finger gloves then that's okay.
Dear dearest customer, As our last update, The Pastry House should be ready now. But the manufacturing is currently halted due to a problem with the mold, which caused a severe error to 1/4 of total pastry keycaps. To maintain the quality, we decided to create new ones for the remaining.  For your keycap getting packed and sent out, the Dwarfs will need some more time. I hope you will understand. The new delivery date will be Oct 21st. On behalf of Dwarf Factory, I apologize for this and thank you for your patience. Hope everything goes well for the Pastry to serve you even before you know it. Sincerely, Lancen
DwarfFactoryLuckily(?) my other things are coming in later too so not too bummed. Thanks for the update
Oct 3, 2020
DwarfFactoryThanks for the update! Seeing the state of the world, a slight delay is more than understandable. Still, we are looking forward to receiving the keycaps. I would love to provide a small (video)review on the two keycaps my girlfriend and me ordered. Good luck on finishing up the orders!
Sep 27, 2020
Just curious, should we still expect to see shipping in 3 days? been a while without an update
bricklyyPlease wait; if somethings happen, we will announce it.
Dear our beloved customers, We would like to officially update you about The Pastry House keycaps. As you may know the Terrarium took us some time to actually finish all of the orders, as well as the current state of COVID-19 make the import of resin unsteady. Therefore the job keeps accumulating; The new shipping date will be September 30st. All the pastries will go to Drop first then they will manage to send out your order. We really hope for your understanding. And we thank you for always supporting us no matter what happens. If you have any queries, please feel free to send us a DM on any SNS, or email to Thanks a million! Lancen
8/28 Update: As the shipping date grows closer, some of you may wonder what is the latest update on these caps! DF recently finished up the Terrarium caps and have been hammering away at the Pastry House ones. Due to the demand in both sculpts, DF informed me that the Pastry House caps will be estimated to be completed and shipped out to us by end of September!
Aug 19, 2020
@DwarfFactory thanks for replying to the Terrarium thread! Curious, since Pastries has roughly 1,000 keycaps, is the proposed shipping estimate accurate? Or is everything pushed back (a month) due to the high demand of the Terrarium keycaps.
crackedweaponWe're making the pastries atm, as I estimated, we can start shipping out around September 20th if everything goes smoothly. We'll definitely give you an update in early September.
Aug 20, 2020
DwarfFactoryThanks @DwarfFactory for letting us know! Really appreciate the honest communication upfront. Really helps with expectations.
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