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Product Description
Offset by a colored cap, the body of this entry-level fountain pen by Faber-Castell features a grip section with a series of finely embossed rings. Beneath the grip is a stainless steel nib, available in four different sizes Read More
BBeBBEverything indicates Germany, since factory in China is not supposed to produce higher quality writing instruments only plastic, but people are reporting it's made in China. Am not sure what to believe since Loom goes for higher than 40$ elsewhere. Perhaps it's wort paying those extra few bucks to get German made.
I have a glossy one. I can't get finger print off.
I tried 3M microfiber, it just smeared the finger print around instead of wiping it clean. I tried some diluted dishsoap, my finger print stays on like a waterproof layer repelling any liquid.
Does any one know how to effectively clean the finger print off this glossy LOOM?
For anyone wondering where this pen is made. It is in fact Made in China. I wasn't wondering because I was sure it was a German made pen from the Massdrop description and generally what I know about Faber Castell. I was a bit disappointed to read China under the pocket clip. Would have been a deal breaker for me at this price. I really don't need another $40 Chinese pen.
Paul-in-SFI doubt that. It would be hard for me to believe Faber Castell would do that. German companies that make prestige objects rarely ever outsource any of it outside the country.
I don't know what option I should take. The gunmetal matte looks good but I heard there's a significant weight difference and that it's less solid which option should I go for ? Is the gunmetal shiny weight the same as the classical models ?
Lior1107Piano Black, Piano White, and Gunmetal Matte are the only three I'd even contemplate (I already have 2 Looms).
The reason is not because of the fingerprint magnetism of the shiny section - it's the fact that the shiny section is more slippery than it's matte section cousin. I never buy shiny sections for this reason.
antseverywhereMassdrop has also indicated elsewhere TWSBI isn't willing to let them sell their pens on here. It's a shame, because they make excellent pens.
I thought I'd be joining this drop, but upon looking through the body options available I find myself disappointed.
There's only one option with an all matte body (Gunmetal Matte) but it costs an extra $6 and judging from the picture the finish on the body doesn't really match the finish on the section all that well.
Oh well, for anyone in Australia that prefers an all matte pen you can get a Loom for a little less than the drop price (admittedly in a rather boring range of superseded colours, and only one colour per nib size) here: