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Keycadets Frontier Aluminum Artisan Display Case

Keycadets Frontier Aluminum Artisan Display Case

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196 requests
27 Sold
Product Description
There’s no such thing as too many artisan keycaps. Unfortunately, even the biggest keyboards only have so many open slots Read More

Feb 21, 2024
Lol you could buy a whole ass keyboard to showcase your artisan caps on and still have some function to them, gtfoh with $110 asking price lol
The price is a lot better if you get a decent DKC coupon. I guess, there's not enough club members and/or members with good coupons to get this past the finish line. My total was a little over 60 bucks which I think is totally worth the price for a quality piece of kit. But you need a good DKC coupon for that. :/
Sep 29, 2022
Wait this is not even a keyboard, its just a display case...and this is how much it costs?!?! Come on, that is just insane and getting out of control
Dec 22, 2021
this is a waste of raw materials imho.
Dec 20, 2021
Is there a way for us to remove the glass panel without having to touch it with our hands and get the it dirty every time? Seems like an issue with the design.
ObiWanKanabeI found you can tilt the case backwards slightly, and the lid slides. You can catch and hold the edge without touching the top/bottom directly. I wouldn't say it's an issue (unless maybe you have greasy oil cheetos fingers)
Dec 18, 2021
Wow , the price on this INSANE you can get 6x4 with 24 different switches in acrylic case for 25$ there is even full aluminum case with glass top and bottom that costs 75$ The product looks okay and id think about it if it would be around 50$ otherwise for 120$ i can order custom to be cnc'd
Dec 30, 2021
yarosmThis is confusing - 6x4 with 24 different switches? Sounds like a switch tester, this is an artisan keycap display box. I'm curious about this 'full aluminum case with glass top and bottom' though, got a link?
Hi everyone, I'm excited to announce the launch and sale of our first premium artisan case. This has been something Keycadets and I have been working on since the summer. While I understand the first impression of this product is sticker shock, please understand that Keycadets is using a high-quality manufacturer for the best looking and feeling product. Having aluminum CNC'd, anodized, and custom glass cut, along with a brass engraving - is not cheap. Additionally, factoring in the QC and shipping overseas lands us at the competitive cost that we're able to offer today. From a previous reply down below, High quality artisan cases have been trending in the past year based on the boom in new and old members looking for a nice way to display their collections. You can always put artisans on your keyboards (which has always been the intention), but this is just a luxury alternative. We're not expecting everyone to be able afford this case, there are definitely some more budget friendly (and also higher priced ones) out in the market. Here are some links in all ranges, ranging from acrylic, 3d printing, wood, and metal material - Lastly, I've attached a picture of the weight of the case.

Dec 17, 2021
Ha, I'd be willing to spend maybe $25, but $120! You are F***ING NUTS!
Dec 31, 2021
OMFG! $10k worthh of Arisan caps, I appreciate your sarcasm.
Brendon93I know this comment is years old at this point, but d_flo_yo's comment got me curious. I looked into those caps, and there was no sarcasm. Those are Hello Caps - Bongo Cats that apparently EACH sell for $400 - $600 on average. With a full case of those, yes, that would be a case of $10k worth of key caps.
Dec 17, 2021
What are the artisans in second row from the top in image 2?
Dec 17, 2021
Kevnwinrealized i was alraedy following them after posting xD
Dec 17, 2021
How do you tell me you're a mech enthusiast with too much money, without telling me you're a mech enthusiast with too much money? It looks like a mech, it holds custom caps like a mech, it costs as much as a mech, BUT IT'S NOT A MECH! Why not just buy, you know, a mech, to show off your custom caps? (unless easily swapping artisans is a thing for people... ?)
Dec 20, 2021
Yea, clearly you're out of the loop.
Dec 30, 2021
somePurchaserIt might sound hard to believe but some people have no intention of ever mounting or using their artisan keycaps.
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