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Grifiti Fat Wrist Pad 17 Inch

Grifiti Fat Wrist Pad 17 Inch

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789 requests
1.4k Sold
Product Description
Now that you’ve finally upgraded to a mechanical keyboard, you’re typing till the cows come home and loving every minute, but you’re starting to get a stinging sensation in your wrists. To combat the evils of carpal tunnel syndrome and give your wrist a proper resting place, slot a Grifiti Wrist Pad in front of your keyboard and get back to bother free business Read More

Jan 28, 2016
All of the orders have been shipped and are now on the way to you! Once tracking is available, you will receive a confirmation email with tracking information. Please allow 24-48 hours for this information to update in the courier’s system.
If you have any questions, please visit our Help Center (
Jan 26, 2016
Great news, group! We placed the order for the Grifiti Fat Wrist Pad 17 Inch shortly after the drop ended. Our vendor will be preparing it for shipment.
The moment we receive confirmation regarding the shipping schedule from the vendor, we will provide you all with updated information.
Expect an update from us by the end of the day Pacific Time on 2/3 or sooner if something comes up.
Jan 21, 2016
Just FYI if you're having repetitive stress problems something like this will not help you. Do yourself a favor and invest in a real ergonomic workstation and see a doctor.
Jan 19, 2016
Can someone honestly explain why this keeps selling? Numerous posts about it's bad quality yet it reaches MOQ all the time. Why? And those who think it's good never bother to comment here. Are bots buying this?
Jan 21, 2016
I guess I just prefer wood over anything else. I was just wondering because you read people's reviews here and not many are good. But not everyone is into wood, so it's understandable if they want foam or gel.
Jan 22, 2016
BrainFlushNever used a wood one. They definitely look better. My desk is an antique library table and is higher than most workstations, so my arm also rests on the wrist rest. I think for me, wood would be uncomfortable, but for people who truly are resting the edge of their palms on it, they would work great.
Jan 17, 2016
I think I'll pass on this one. At the lowest price(which isn't unlocked yet, but I'm sure will be soon) plus shipping (US shipping), this comes to a total of $12.42.
I can order this on amazon for $14.98 and get it in a few days, versus waiting for weeks. Ordering it here saves you $2.56 but you'll be waiting for weeks to get it.
Jan 16, 2016
I love my Grifiti Wrist Pad. I will totally pick this up to replace my old wrist rest.
Jan 19, 2016
AdmiralbreakerJust no. I don't believe you.
Jan 15, 2016
$14 for shipping is a big no..
Jan 17, 2016
g.androiderWhere did you see $14 USD for shipping?
Dec 6, 2015
I have to agree, these things are trash. I just got mine, and they are the light weight garbage type pads that we all know and hate. It's not even the nice type of material that has some weight to it. Trash trash trash. Sorry massdrop, not your fault, but the product is garbage.
Nov 25, 2015
Exciting news group! We’re happy to report that all of the orders have been shipped out and are now on the way to you! Please allow 24-48 hours for tracking to get into the shipper's system and start updating.
If there’s anything else we can do to make your Massdrop experience better, feel free to contact us via “Contact Support” button in your transaction page:
Nov 20, 2015
Thanks again for joining the drop with the community. We submitted the group’s order with the vendor for the Grifiti Fat Wrist Pad 17 Inch shortly after the drop ended and they have begun preparing it for shipment.
Once the group’s order is ready at the vendor’s location, they will ship the packages individually to you as soon as possible.
Once we receive confirmation regarding the shipping schedule from the vendor, we will provide you guys with updated information on the status of your package.
Expect an update from us on 11/30 or sooner.
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