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Kennerton Odin Sapele Headphones

Kennerton Odin Sapele Headphones

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646 requests
3 Sold
Product Description
The flagship headphone from Russia’s Kennerton, the Odin features huge, 80-millimeter planar-magnetic drivers and gorgeous wood ear cups that are sanded and polished in house by hand. Made from scratch by Kennerton, the drivers deliver phase coherence and flat impedance Read More

I'd be awesome if Massdrop could do a Zebrano offering of these.
Oct 11, 2018
i wonder when will be the next drop? For those who ordered in previous drop, have you gotten your set?
Sep 23, 2018
Curious, any chance the newer Thor model be offered on massdrop? Would be interesting to see massdrop price.
A community member
Aug 7, 2018
" The Kennerton Audio Odin are about as comfortable as wearing two bricks on your head suspended by a leather strap. They are for people with robust rugby necks "
Mar 28, 2018
Is there a available balanced XLR cable for these??
Mar 28, 2018
Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. I just figured if this product at this price point is targeted towards a small specific crowd, the product should of included balanced XLR. Someone in the market of buying a product this degree of engineering would expect the cables to be of equal performance or above. Most audiophilest would agree that a balanced XLR is superior in performance than a TRS connector for this spefic application. Balanced XLR exist for a reason.
Mar 28, 2018
EnigmatikNo problem. I have the same feelings and XLR for me personally is a must for this headphones, even they can be driven very easily. I remember I saw somewhere XLR cables for all Kennerton products only as option. It should be their standard accessory, exactly because is the best solution to overcame their sonic flaws. From an engineering point of view though, Odins are quite simple construction and even Kennerton itself admits, that this technology didn't progress much for the last 30 years. I personally consider them as more traditional planar magnetics headphones in both sound and approach. Build for longetivity and tonal richness, not technical superiority. Their design is for me more simplified than for example Audeze LCD with their fluxor magnets and few other acoustic patents.
Mar 28, 2018
No balanced cable for $1800? At least it used Audeze connectors.
Mar 28, 2018
CokemanI can confirm they can run from any stock/custom Audeze cable just fine. Although Odin's stock cable is a mixed bag: very stiff and not very ergonomic, but it sounds better than Audeze stock cable (at least their 4-string tape). 8-core hybrid silver-copper balanced cable can be very satisfactory with Odins.
Mar 27, 2018
Ill be in for a pair in a few months massdrop. Kind of wished thhere was more warning for the extra expensive headphones.
Mar 26, 2018
If only I had a spare 1800 dollars right now. These headphones look sick, and from what I've heard, the sound is just as good.
Mar 28, 2018
BkeyIndeed, the sound is interesting, although there are clearly areas where it can be improved.
Here is raw frequency response chart:
Mar 25, 2018
Great Video, well, I'm more interested in to build it by myself, how about 800$ for the material pack, that looks easy... Alright seriously, how's that compare to LCD4 (which just had a B-stock sale in Audio46 ) and Hifiman HE1000 V2(which is the same price level with this model in Ebony)?
Mar 28, 2018
hfjohn123In my opinion LCD-4 are better. Odin is a class of LCD-2 pre-2016. Don't know how they perform against HEK V2.
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