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Showing 1 of 12 reviews about:
May 30, 2023
checkVerified Buyer
No working .json file, knob too stiff
The knobs are too stiff to be useful as many other reviews have stated. The biggest issue, however, is the lack of available support. The .json file needed to support this in VIA is nowhere to be found. Multiple requests in the Q&A and silence from Drop. How can you sell a product like without having the files necessary to make it work available to customers?
Recommends this product? No
May 1, 2024
BuaidhNoBasYou may have figured this out already, but just in case... Let my suffering perhaps aid you in yours? It took some doing but I was able to detect my device in Via v1.3.1 (the newer versions didn't work for me). I used the same Json file named above by eksb ( It's not clear what the map is but after some testing I found the following... The key layout I've attached is pretty easy to read once you figure it out. Keep in mind that the labels are what I've set it to and may be different for you.
  1. The top key (TO(1)) is the button on the back of the Dual Layer Knob Macropad and is set to switch between layers.
  2. The 3 middle keys (M1, M2, M3) are the 3 keys on the macropad.
  3. The bottom 5 keys represent the two wheels. Vol- and Vol+ are rotations to the left and right respectively on the inner wheel while Mute is pressing the inner wheel. MsWh(down) and MsWh(up) are rotations to the left and right respectively of the outer wheel.
Hope this helps!!

May 1, 2024
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