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Plier Saturn 3 Copper Spinning Top

Plier Saturn 3 Copper Spinning Top

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Product Description
The Plier Saturn 3 represents a new take on the traditional spinning top design. Instead of a spindle, body, and bearing, this two-piece top comprises a large bearing that sits in the middle of a wide disc Read More

Apr 21, 2017
I highly recommed Plier tops. They are typically a great value. I haven't purchased one of these "Saturn" style tops, but here is a video of the mini top they sell on Etsy. 6 minute plus spin on a $20 top is a great value!
Mar 20, 2017
Has it been shipped because I still got nothing on the shipment
Mar 9, 2017
At last, I received mine (without the cutouts) yesterday. Knowing Chase's excellent work from several purchases on Etsy, I was impatient to try it. Best of my first 5 spins: 8:53 min. I know I'm not very good with stemless tops and I generally need more time before I can add 50% to my first tries. So I have no doubt I'll go beyond 10min (I'll report again when I do). To those of you who don't get good results on their first tries: try again, you'll get much better ones after a few days. This top is easy to spin (for a stemless top): thanks to its big ball, it's high enough above the base to allow a good grip. But the most remarkable thing I wanted to mention is, this top ends in a standing stop every time I spin it (on either side). It is so well balanced that I can even shake the table: it oscillates for a while and then stops again in this amazing equilibrium position. I have another top of the same kind (but bigger, 2'') and with the same very large bearing ball; it gives me standing stops every time also, but when I shake the table it falls. I just couldn't believe it when I saw how stable my Saturn3 is. Here is a pic of a standing stop:

EDIT: I reach 10:40 after 12 tries
Mar 14, 2017
DenisBI wonder if my top's poor performance has to do with the cutouts. A few times I've hit just under 7 minutes with good two-hand spins and a perfect release but it's really rare. I just cannot see getting these claimed spin times with my example.
Mar 15, 2017
photoman12001I hesitated between the two versions because I thought the cutouts would make some interesting visual effect when spinning (spin time is not the only reason why a top can be interesting - at least to me). I chose without the cutouts because I thought they would induce lower spin times and some unavoidable wobbling at low rpm. If there's a new drop, I'll try with the cutouts. If you reach 7 min, it's compatible with the video I've posted earlier. What I'd suggest for your version with the cutouts is, try to spin it without touching the cutout parts. Also, I generally get better times when I use only one hand, it's easier for me to get good starts.
Mar 4, 2017
Worthless piece of JUNK! looks = o.k. / not bad Balance = Poor Spin time - Poor (2-3 min MAX) Delivery time - Poor (way longer than promised) Could have bought a top with twice the spin time for 30% less money Really sorry I got in this drop - very disappointing to say the least.......
Mar 3, 2017
Mine arrived today. It's a beautiful chunk of metal but so far a very mediocre spinning top. I haven't been able to break 3 minutes yet. Even with really good spins 2.5 minutes is about all I can get. I timed 5 spins, 3 of which were good ones that I thought were really going to go: 2:40 2:19 1:32 2:29 1:59
I get 7-8 minutes with my Prometheus Lamba without even trying. I spun it and it lasted through almost 4 of the spins with the Saturn. I was skeptical about this one but bit due to the good reviews. I'm wishing I'd spent this money elsewhere right now. If it had been about $50 I'd feel better but for $90 (opted for cutouts) I expected better.
Mar 3, 2017
photoman12001I decided to try two more before bed after cleaning the mirror and wiping off the ball. Both were good, two-hand spins: 3:34 2:55 Maybe I will have better luck tomorrow.
Shipped! Can't wait to put this next to my Triskelion and Tempus coin.
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Jan 23, 2017
When will these be shipping and when can I expect delivery in NJ....??????
Jan 23, 2017
This is a question for those already having this Saturn 3 Copper top (or some similar one)
. I've seen a video for the bottle opener version ( but none for the original one. What are your best spinning times ? (I'm surprised about the relatively short 7mn average in the above video.)
Jan 24, 2017
DenisBman I wonder if I should've gone with the bottle opener version over the regular, not to actually use as a bottle opener but for more grip
Jan 22, 2017
Any recommendations for a concave surface that won't scratch the copper of this piece?
Jan 23, 2017
Thanks, I'll try it. I've seen tops that have been torn up by hard (e.g. 9H) glass, but hopefully the cheap glass of something like a vanity mirror will be soft enough. I'd much rather replace my spinning surfaces due to wear than replace my tops!
Jan 24, 2017
MountainPassI totally agree. One more good thing of cheap mirrors is, they are much less brittle than very hard glass ones. I've been caught last year by the ForNeverSpin adds (my first and worst encounter with CNC tops) and their supposedly "Diamond-Like Carbon" Base had small scratches almost everywhere after only 2 weeks.
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