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Smart LED RGB Bluetooth Strip Accent Lighting

Smart LED RGB Bluetooth Strip Accent Lighting

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Product Description
Great for the backyard, the office, the bedroom, and more, Smart LED RGB Bluetooth Strip Accent Lighting allows you to set the mood for any occasion. Compatible with smart devices, these lights offer over 16 million different colors and a wide range of brightness Read More

Feb 2, 2019
The app included in the set up instructions has been removed from the play store. Singhong has another app named 'SH Smart', but I have not been able to connect to the strip using that app.
Dec 14, 2018
App no longer works dont buy it if this comes on sale every again!
Nov 12, 2018
Doesn't work. Mobile app crashes, and apparently LEDs can't turn on without the app... Will read the comments more thoroughly next time I purchase something from Massdrop. EDIT: Months later, I was able to get it working with the iOS version of the app. Yay! Except a series of 3 LEDs aren't synched with the rest of the strip. So it works... but it's still a crappy product.
Jul 11, 2018
The app has stopped working for me :(
May 7, 2018
You can get these with wifi on Amazon for $35
May 13, 2018
1BigBadaBoomYeah but you have to receive them in two days, with free shipping, and they accept returns for ninety days without question. The heck with that shit!
Feb 7, 2018
Hi, I'd like to use strip lighting like this for a mineral display cabinet. It's a timber cabinet and not much room for lights so I thought an led strip run under each shelf would be ideal. I could maybe hide it behind a thin triangular timber bead. However I don't know anything about controlling LED current and appropriate voltages. If the strip is cut to a fit the shelves, how do I sort out the supply to be compatible with the lower load and not oversupply and burn out the LEDs.
I understand that at a fixed supply voltage, load normally determines current but diodes are semi conductors and don't behave exactly like this do they? I mean, that's not what semiconductors look like to an ohm meter anyway. LEDs seem to require a pulse current to generate high brightness so it's not like normal DC or AC. So is this an appropriate kit for what I want to do (true colour balanced white light) and does it have suitable instructions. I do understand some ordinary electrical things and do some basic PA, car and home maintenance but semiconductors are a complete mystery to me.
Feb 19, 2018
kenwstrI have quite some experience with cheaper led strips, but I assume this one will follow the same principles. The LED’s are actually somewhat in parallel rather than just 5m of LED’s in series (that would require way to much voltage) usually about 3 LED’s are in series and then there is a cutting point. every small strip of 3 LED’s are in parallel to the other 3 led strips. Thus all you have to do is cut at the cutting points and then you can wire all the strips of the different shelves up to one power supple in series or parallel (it doesn’t matter)
Jan 31, 2018
Does anyone know if this is one single strip or can it be used in different sizes?
Jan 31, 2018
Kioshidifferent size can be fitted in different application
Jan 31, 2018
iothankGreat, thank you.
Jan 12, 2018
Do not buy these. I bought two. None of the 3 android devices I have tried will connect to the controller.
Jan 30, 2018
Henry123what is the system version of your android phone now?
Nov 12, 2018
Henry123Still a problem almost a year later
Dec 4, 2017
Don't buy this... the LED strip is very nice but the BT controller does not communicate with the Android SW. The problem looks to be the software developer did not consider and use the correct BT protocol for re-connect (could be just in the Android SW). Also BE allows connection with or without a PIN code and the Android phone looks for this but if it is use the SW should supply the value and connect. I have programmed BT and it looks like the SW on both sides were not tested and debugged on the Android. I have see comments that it works on the iOS. I wasted $60 on this product.
sdndbaI am sorry to hear that you are having trouble with this product. I have used and tested multiples of these strips with a Samsung Note 3, Samsung Galaxy S7, S8, and now I am using a Sony Xperia Z5 Premium. They have all worked great with no problems. Just checking but there is two different singhong apps The one needed for this product is SHLighting. The other application is SH Smart which is used for the wifi products.
Dec 30, 2017
sdndbable solution doest not need the pin to pair bluetooth device, phone will connect and pair bluetooth bulb or strip when bluetooth is enabled on your phone, no need pin to pair, it is ble advantage
Dec 2, 2017
would these be good for a "55 tv?
ShahzadKhaneither of the two smaller strips should work just fine.
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