tldr; QWERTY row +]* missing, can't make *any* Spanish set without, yet other Spanish exclusives are included in international kit.
Is there a mistake in the international kit picture?
It includes all of the keycaps needed for es-ES except for +]* yet includes it's pairing key `[^ . This key is needed for all Spanish layouts, both Latin American and Spaniard.
It also has ñ, ¡¿, ºª\ all of which are Spanish exclusives.
To make an es-ES they must only add QWERTY row 1u +]*
To make a Latin American Spanish set they must add both +]* and a QWERTY row 1.5u }ç .
Why include several Spanish exclusives if there's a cap(s) missing to complete any Spanish layout??
n__dlesHey there
Thanks for your feedback.
Tai-Hao has let us know that they will be including one more key of *+]. See image below for the updated international kit. This set is now a 43-key kit. Cheers!
Is there a mistake in the international kit picture?
It includes all of the keycaps needed for es-ES except for +]* yet includes it's pairing key `[^ . This key is needed for all Spanish layouts, both Latin American and Spaniard.
It also has ñ, ¡¿, ºª\ all of which are Spanish exclusives.
To make an es-ES they must only add QWERTY row 1u +]*
To make a Latin American Spanish set they must add both +]* and a QWERTY row 1.5u }ç .
Why include several Spanish exclusives if there's a cap(s) missing to complete any Spanish layout??