AstralHa, I liked that too.
ISO _is_ the standard (at least if you're outside of the US, like most people are). Most of these folks produce keycaps and boards with ISO options, so I really don't understand why they're so rarely offered here. That perfectly affordable UK postage is laughing at me with its irrelevance!
(I know, dog with a bone! I still haven't unsubscribed form the emails, too many nice things come through in them! I just want ONE nice 60% keycap set to come with an ISO option, I honestly don't understand why that's such a big ask…)
ndizzleI don't know if an ISO set would look right in this keycap set. It doesn't appear that these keys are multicolored; each row is just a slight shade off of the next. The ISO return key would bridge two rows, but would only be a single color, not faded.
Carpet_SharkThat's… actually a fair point that I hadn't considered. I can't speak for anyone else but I'd be happy with a single colour return in either of the appropriate colours. Importantly, offering that option is unlikely to be a lot of hassle - I'm sure they have ISO moulds.
ISO literally means International Organization for Standardization.