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What Amp???

Hello audiophilers!! While I am waiting for my first bought item from Drop (can't wait!!) I was planning my next purchase ;-P... An amplifier... I wander which is better among the Drop O2 and drop+thx

Jul 21, 2022
Coming at you two weeks late, but here you go! These are also tried-and-true amps with lots of power, and all cheaper than the amps you mentioned:
  • schiit magni heresy
  • jds labs atom
  • monolith liquid spark
These are very very often thrown about in the community and I'd guess a large fraction of members own one from the list, for what that's worth.
Jul 21, 2022
grahamcarmanThanks anyway!
Jul 4, 2022
Drop 02 has less power about as much half the power as the Drop One Linear (one linear is what I am assuming you are referring to as the drop+thx). The One linear also has more dynamics than the 02 I have own both and had them both at same time to a/b compare for a few weeks. They subjectively sound the same when level matched only the One linear I could hear a 25-35%(just a subjective number to illustrate an idea) increase in dynamics. That difference in dynamics fades away once you own either one for awhile and are just listening to one that you ears get accustom to sound. Both amps are very neutral and dynamic. I would pay no more that $150 for the One Linear and if your willing to spend $150-$200 would get a schiit magnius subjectively better than the one linear with more power and can run SE or Balanced. I am running O2/sdac with thx 789 but want to run balanced so leaning to changing my drop setup for schiit stack since drop doesn't seem to be making any drop exclusive balanced dacs.
Jul 6, 2022
allsmilesbExcellent explanation, very explanatory!! Thanks so much. I am also gonna check the magnius then I will decide! Regards
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