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Thanks MassDropAzon!

Everyone seems pissed. Peeps its just a place to buy stuff. It was a good run and an especially interesting beginning. Had many things of interest to me: fountain pens, tech, clothes, EDC, audio. I got some great ideas and spawned some new interests. Yep, kinda ended with a fizzle unless you want a zillion keyboards (I have a few for sure) or some good audio deals (and not so good deals). Props for some of their collaborations. In the end who knows why the progression to Amazon but they tried a few business models and this is where they are now. You are welcome to vote with your dollars as we did every time they'd come out with a product and invariably someone would post "it's cheaper at this site " or "I can get it for $5 more and shipped Amazon Prime today." I'm sure that got old for those trying to bring us products. Loyalty begets loyalty. If this is where they need to go to survive go with them or not. That's why they call it a free market but pissed? Naw. Disappointed it wasn't sustainable, yes. It was a fun ride. Thanks MassDropAzon.

Mar 26, 2021
So if someone takes a piss in your cereal, you thank them for it? massdroop is failing because they didn’t listen to their customer base. Now those customers are telling them to stuff it and leaving. Im going to enjoy the announcement that droop is selling their domain name to a drop shipping company out of China. Should only be a few months away.
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