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Will take a long break

No more drop joining 'til the way trade is made between USA and Canada is handled in a more predictable way. Sorry Massdrop, POTUS is hurting your business. That is « very, very bad ».
I hope folks from UE and Asia will do the same.

Jun 14, 2018
LucQc: I agree with your overall strategy of making it clear to American businesses that Trump's behavior at G7 will have stifling economic consequences. However, I suspect that if you polled the people who run Massdrop, you'd discover you're refusing to support a business with a favorable outlook on Canada. Massdrop clearly supports and embodies diversity and most its staff probably opposes Trump's isolationism, though I doubt they'd want to make political statements, let alone in a polarized environment as a business that caters to people on every side of the political spectrum. Amazon, with its ties to the Washington Post, is another such pro-Canadian business.
My strategy is to research U.S. businesses that actively support Trump and his treatment of non-authoritarian leaders, and then refuse to support *those* businesses.
Jun 15, 2018
Though I was raised partly in Vancouver, I spent a fair amount of time in Quebec (specifically Montreal) giving classical/experimental performances in 2002-4. What impressed me most was that Lieutenant Governor Lise Thibault came to the first performance and thanked me personally -- from her wheelchair! -- which is something that no U.S. politician would do. That kind of localized effort involves support of the arts at the fringe and community-conscious level. I can also say that in my experience, audiences were more patiently supportive in Quebec than they tend to be in New York.
One thing I gleaned was that certain locals resented Americans who couldn't or wouldn't speak French (though they seemed to make exceptions for artists). This is not entirely a reactionary stance. My sense was that it had to do with an expectation of basic respect that should be shown by a tourist, which in turn involves the French language as a symbol of French-Canadian independence. My takeawry (cough): If one intends to visit that part of Canada, one should learn to speak French conversationally.
While I was there, I heard an album that consisted of phrases in French that were spoken and played on guitar simultaneously. The album was a tribute to the French language and to its meaning for French-Canadians. I wrote down the name of the guitarist and album but lost the piece of paper when we went through border inspection and an idiot who was traveling with us told authorities that one of the sets from a dance piece was a model of the World Trade Center(!). Several hours and confiscations later . . . .
I've tracked down nearly all of the experimental music I heard (and read as sheet music) during my stay, but that one album by the guitarist has eluded me so far.
I also remember meeting one of the main people at the label Alien8 and being impressed with how elaborate and high-quality CD packaging was back then. From then on, I noted that physical media from Canada seemed always to be packaged more conceptually and expensively than what was produced in the U.S. That has to have changed with physical media's demise (except among purists and audiophiles).
Jun 15, 2018
Varholiaglimp « I also remember meeting one of the main people at the label Alien8 and being impressed with how elaborate and high-quality CD packaging was back then. »
Don't know if it make you happy, I am buying from the artist in downloadable and sometimes physical media from the artist(s) if possible because I know too well it,s hard to earn his living for them. It really pisses me off when someone around me is complaining the government is subsidizing Independent Music of Film Making. Regarding French, I'm not sure they « should learn to speak French conversationally », from my experience though at least learning to say basics words and sentences like for examples saying « Hello , « Thank you » in Spanish or even more saying it in Quechua or Aymara will do miracles for you when in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador.
Jun 10, 2018
MassDrop please take notice that as long as USA is behaving like yesterday after G7 meeting I'll be buying either locally, in Europe and Asia. So good luck if you want to grow your market with North Korea and other countries where freedom is a day to day experience.
By the way, life is so fun not that I am not spammed by MD's emails, Also everyone I referred will be asked to quit buying from MassDrop.
Jun 6, 2018
*sigh* The spoiled brat added more insults. 1812 and the brat doesn't have a clue what was Lower and Upper Canada back then, I guess I should not expect he knows that today there is a province where the high majority of citizens are speaking French... 8:-(
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