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Feb 27, 2016
Has anyone compiled a list of (complete) Infinity ErgoDox keycap sets anywhere? (here or on a wiki, a blog, etc.)
I missed out on keycaps and was really hoping that Carbon would have a translucent legend variant (but chances of that seem slim...), so now I'm just wondering what I get as a basic set of "tide me over" keycaps until the set of caps I truly want become a reality...
Feb 27, 2016
Feb 27, 2016
jeremyaI don't think you'll find a complete list of keycaps for the Dox (or any keyboard). There are simply too many to keep a list. In the last drop, at leas one person had a custom set made for their board.
I'm not aware of any custom sets like Carbon that have shine through legends. Most ErgoDox compatible sets come from Signature Plastics (, you'll have to look through their custom section to see if they can do shine through legends.
In the meantime, I use the clear caps that were offered with this drop, and I like them well enough that I ordered them again for the second drop. You can get clear caps through pimpmykeyboard, or if you don't like the clear sets, I would go with a blank set. Both of these two options should be basically the equivalent of the keycap sets that were offered through the drop. A lot of people harvest caps from other keyboards too if you have some extra keyboards lying around and don't want to spend any money.
Feb 27, 2016
Feb 27, 2016
IaeenThanks... To clarify, I'm not looking for a complete list of keycaps. I'm looking for a list of complete sets for the ErgoDox Infiinity. To put it another way, there are seem to be three categories of keycap "sets":
1. Ones that completely fit the ErgoDox Infinity, providing the caps and any necessary stabilizers for all of the switches. 2. Ones that partially fit the ErgoDox Infinity, because they were designed for a different keyboard layout.
I'm looking for #1. I don't care if the list is complete... I just need options to consider. :)
Feb 27, 2016
Feb 27, 2016
jeremyaUsually, you can't just buy sets that fit the ErgoDox.
Sets like Carbon usually come with a base kit that fits something like a 60%, then you can buy subsets that have extra function keys to make it work with the 'Dox. This gets expensive, and you will always end up with extra caps. If you want to go this rout, Signature Plastics is the only company that I am aware of that splits their keycap sets out like this, so again I would recommend looking there if you are interested in going that rout. The 1976 keycap set ( looks like it comes in an ErgoDox set, and maybe some of the others do too. This isn't the norm though. You'll have to search around a little.
Also, if you are interested in getting sets that are similar to the ones that were offered in this drop, Signature Plastics is still the place you want to look. They sell ErgoDox base and modifier sets here:, and you will need one of each to fill up your board.
That's about all I know about keycaps. I can never bring myself to actually buy anything beyond the set that comes with the kit. Every once in a while I'll see a set that looks nice here on MD, but when I price it out it comes to something more than $150 after you add the base kit, the ErgoDox add on, the Dvorak add on, and the special modifier add on (which usually has the keycaps that make the set really nice). Even after all that money, it still wouldn't match my layout. I'll probably continue to stick with blank caps forever.
Feb 27, 2016
Feb 29, 2016
IaeenThanks, this is great info! Sad that assembling Keycaps to purchase seems to be every bit as much of a DIY adventure as building the 'Dox is... ;-)
Feb 29, 2016
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