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Kershaw Copper Cinder Tactical Knife (2-Pack)

Kershaw Copper Cinder Tactical Knife (2-Pack)

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102 requests
Product Description
Stylish and practical, the Kershaw Copper Cinder Tactical Knife is a keychain knife designed for knife users who prioritize performance and aesthetic appeal. Upgraded from the previous Cinder model, this knife features a copper handle and a stonewashed sheepsfoot blade Read More

Dec 20, 2019
It's a safe assumption that the bottle opener is the most useful feature of this knife.
Dec 15, 2019
Bought one for my Rambo action figure doll. Can't wait till it gets here!

Dec 14, 2019
These are cute. I use mine loads... although I think I prefer mine with the plastic handle since it scratches things less when in my pocket.
Jul 19, 2019
3CR? So it's a butter knife steel?
Dec 14, 2019
RMunro"So it's a butter knife steel?" Sure, but it cuts through butter like nobody's business!
Jul 19, 2019
1,5 oz = 42,52 gram btw
Jul 18, 2019
Cinder , noun - a small piece of partly burned coal or wood that has stopped giving off flames but still has combustible matter in it . Synonyms: ashes, ash, ember, clinker ,charcoal ,slag. My FAVORITE synonym slag. Slag , stony waste matter separated from metals during the smelting or refining ore. Who named this?
Dec 22, 2019
This is actually an excellent way to monitor local police response times , and maybe some first hand testing of current non lethals ! Note: you may want to confirm in advance local law enforcement employ non lethal devices.
Dec 22, 2019
RudolphI live in Berkeley, so all the police have lethals--they're just not allowed to use them without a lynch mob forming. Based purely on the crazy shit I see on a nightly basis* while walking home from work, my guess is they'd make the top five in the nation for "proficiency in applying non-lethal options". A guy carrying a sheathed samurai sword? Assuming there were no roving bands of laptop thieving hood rats or homeless people heaving handfuls of their own excrement at passersby in the immediate vicinity, I MIGHT get a tazed a little bit. We're not even allowed to have batons here, it's insane (p.s. if you know where I might procure one for strictly educational purposes, feel free to let me know). *Tonight I saw I.) a very scared looking student run across a busy intersection to escape a homeless man who was chasing him with a bull terrier while shouting racial epithet at him, II.) 2 asset protection guys wrestle an African guy into their back room after he attempted to steal whole-ass bags of whatever you get at Target, and III.) had a 10 minute conversation with a girl who works at the Goodwill across the street from where I work, specifically regarding the frequency with which homeless people apparently take clothes into the dressing room, change into them, and then take a shit on the floor (occasionally they get a polite floor-shitter who aims for the clothes they plan to leave behind).
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