Well damn. I joined the HD6xx drop on Monday and after reading the discussions and reviews for the Jubilees, I joined this drop as well.
Anyone know a good divorce attorney? I'm sure after these drops and my DT990 Pro purchase last week, I'll need one. Looks like some new cans are getting cut loose.
MinimumRegretsYou should resell your DT990... better than having to pay a divorce attorney...
Although some may think that the HD6xx and 58x may cause an overlap, the HD6xx is the perfect lounge companion with a DAC/amp, while the 58x is the perfect portable companion to be used with iPhone/iPad and such, without the need for a headphone amp (To be truly portable, you may buy on Amazon an alternate cable from Fantasia that provides a remote and mic on the cable, which is what I did). Also the 6xx are better with jazz, pop, vocals, and intimate classical music while the 58x will be interesting to be used with EDM, hip hop, house, dance or even dramatic classical music. Both headphones are closer to each other than they are apart, and are clearly made by the same audio designers and have a very close sound signature. Just my 2c of legal and audio advice... enjoy!
MinimumRegretsAdding onto this. My intent was to use the Jubilee's along with my portable devices (iPhone with a Fiio A3 amp). It's not pretty, but it gives a little added "oomph".
Since the 6xx's arrived today, I'm hesitant on using them at all until I have enough power to supply. Is there a recommended minimum to drive them? Would I get away with an E10k/Fulla 2 or am I doing a disservice?
I intend on using the 6xx's at home, at my desk enjoying as high quality as I can get, streamed music (Tidal, Spotify). I'm not chasing a sound, rather want to enjoy it a bit more compared to previous closed cans (M50x, DT770). Since I've experienced open with the 990's, I'm hooked.
So back to the original question hidden above, can I get away with a $100 combo to drive the 6xx's? Otherwise, they may need to go. (edit: I won't necessarily sell them, I'll just need to bench them until I can budget a bit more to venture into the $250-350 range - Jotunheim)
MinimumRegretsSilly hobby ain't it?!?
I'd say, save for Jotunheim - only if you're wanting to try balanced down the track. Magni 3 could just about be your second to last amp you'll want to purchase? Single-ended power with fairly decent THD. Only 100 bucks and you can easily sell it off later, if you wish.
I have a few dac's & amp's, and I can safely say, I'd give them all up for my Jot and Darkvoice. Both amps can make the 6xx's make music GO.
If you're in the US, then perhaps check out JDS labs also, as they have some killer stuff going on over there too!
Good luck traveler!
MinimumRegretsI have used my HD6xx directly from an iPhone and it still will work without damaging your headphones or phone. You’ll need to push the volume to max or near max and the sound will only play at moderate volume. You will understand the limitations when using such setup without an amp. Don’t worry: you may use them from an iPhone to try them out at moderate volume Without damage.
Moreover, I tried using the HD6xx with a very cheap portable amp, the NX1s, 35$ on Massdrop, and it works very well, providing all the necessary power to the HD6xx. The only drawback is the slight sub bass roll off of the NX1S amp design, not dramatic at all.
You must understand that the HD6xx is very efficient (103db/1v if I recall), so it really doesn't Need a whole lot of power to perform: 15-20mw is all it needs if you don’t listen to them at rock concert levels. What it does need however is some level of voltage, I recommend 2v or more under 300 ohms (and at lower frequencies the HD6xx has a resistance if closer to 450 to 600 ohms), so what you really need is a smal inexpensive portable headphone amp that is only moderately powerful, but that draws at least 2v of voltage into high impedance (300 ohms or more). The 35$ NX1s does it. Many others will do it. My recommendation if you can afford it is the Dragonfly Red,200$, but it works right off you phone, tablet or computer, the sound is very good,the DF Red is not very powerful, but it outputs at 2v big time And the output power, around 10-20mw is all you ever need with the HD6xx. You’ll neeed the required lightning adapter however to use the DFR with the iPhone. The DFR has the advantage of powering itself directly from the iPhone through the USB/lightning path., without need for external power supply.
Anyone know a good divorce attorney? I'm sure after these drops and my DT990 Pro purchase last week, I'll need one. Looks like some new cans are getting cut loose.