Are there any advantages of BT 4.2 over this 4.0, like the plussound cable with 4.2? I really like the form factor of this instead, just wished it had the latest BT version and 2-pin options for my ciem's
elauIn theory, yes - in practice, not really. Sound quality has very little relationship to the Bluetooth version, at least since 3.0. All Bluetooth is doing is transmitting a digital signal. Since 3.0 there has been plenty of bandwidth for typical music files. Most of the potential benefit is in range and battery life, but the benefit is pretty marginal for headphone use.
There are a long line of things I think are far more important in a BT headphone than the BT version number - the headphone drivers themselves, the DAC and amp used within the headset (any BT headphone has its own internal DAC/Amp), the codec (in my experience aptX doesn't help with sound quality, but definitely with latency), etc.
In theory, if all else is equal, get the latest BT version. But in reality, all else is never equal. It will make far more difference what IEM you plug into the ends of this, than the BT version does. You can feel comfortable prioritizing form factor, comfort, etc, over BT version. You won't be missing anything.
GunsOfBrixtonWhat matters more is whether or not a device supports the APTX or AAC standards. Most bluetooth headsets only support the standard SBC which is why bluetooth has been so badly maligned for having horrible sound and introducing lots of noise. APTX is the preferred wireless protocol but any "i" devices (iphone, ipad, ipod etc.) does not support APTX but they do support AAC. Both APTX and AAC are touted as "lossless" (in reality no) wireless audio protocols that utilize the bluetooth spectrum. As Guns correctly stated, as far as data transmission, anything after BT 3.0 is pretty similar where BT 4.0 basically coalesced all of the various BT 3.0 substandards under one and then introduced low power application and link security. BT 4.0 to 4.2 have incremental differences that have nothing to do with data throughput.
When looking at bluetooth for audio the most important things to look for are ATX and AAC (if you have an apple product)