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Mionix PRO Wired Gaming Mouse

Mionix PRO Wired Gaming Mouse

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Product Description
With hundreds of choices in the gaming mouse market, it can be difficult to choose the right fit. For those who want the best of several aspects, the Mionix PRO Wired Gaming Mouse lineup provides a refreshing approach that’s right down the middle Read More

Oct 30, 2022
I've committed to the drop, even though I'm not sure about the quality control these days. İt's literally the best shape I've come across and even thinking about getting a new one has me excited.
Oct 19, 2022
It's exceedingly fustrating that Mionix mice are so prone to defects, the shape of the Naos is by far and away the best I've come across. It kills me that no other mouse manufacturer has thought to shape out space for the ring/pinky finger so your hand rests flat - same basic principle that makes Birkenstocks so comfortable. If they just had better QC they'd be a no-brainer, but my old one started developing failures after a couple of years and it sounds like their build quality is even more inconsistent now.
Oct 22, 2022
CorbeauNoirLook into the Coolermaster MM720, lacks the pinky rest, but it's small to the point your pinky comfortable rests on the side anyway.

Oct 23, 2022
MandyTheres also the Xenics titan GE air, its a clone of the Cooler Master, but wireless and I like that it has the DPI button on top vs the CM version~
Oct 19, 2022
I remember the time when these were around along with the Roccat mice. The "Tyon" in particular. Too bad that was laser and not optical. I use Razer and have a couple Ducky(s) when it comes to mice. Don't like having my wrist cranked off the ground as I am thinner set. My assumption, from the time when these Mionix first hit is that this (at least one of these Mionix selections) is a great mouse especially for those who fit with the shape.
Oct 19, 2022
My current Naos is just about 1 year old and working fine, including the wheel and middle click, which were the point of failure on both the inexpensive clone that it replaced and the OG Naos that came before that. Maybe I have just been lucky this time, but it feels like they finally have the build dialed in.
Oct 19, 2022
DonAmanThe OG Naos model's middle click failed too. I repaired my Naos 7000 after it failed. It sucks that the wheel is the common failure point, especially if you use Solidworks. You can always bind the pan function to another button, but I like it on the mouse wheel. I think I may buy a couple of these just to keep for replacements or spare parts.
Oct 19, 2022
I originally purchased a NAOS 7000 in February 2014 for $80 that was defective right out of the box (skipped all over the place). They had me clean the sensor and do a firmware update, which did not help, so they sent a replacement and I sent back the original. The new one was great and I'm STILL using it to this day with zero issues. It has been my favorite mouse by far. I've replaced the pads since they'd worn down from use, but that's literally it. Great mouse, and so freaking comfortable -- the only one that fits my hand and style perfectly! Sad to hear the models they've released since then had QC issues, and that the company died and was resurrected. Hope they can fix things and get back to their former glory!
Oct 12, 2022
I have a Naos that I just got from a giant evil retailer, was going to order through here, but waiting until late November/early December only would have saved $10-$15. I'm a big fan, size and shape are as close to perfect as any mouse has ever been for my weird wide hands. Coming from a Logitech G502 Hero, I'd say this definitely feels cheaper; Button clicks are louder and hollow-sounding, overall fit and finish a little sloppier. I also miss the two extra buttons on the edge of the left mouse button. No scroll wheel tilt, which doesn't bother me but might bother some. No continuous/smooth scroll wheel option, which I miss a little. The detents in the wheel are much softer and quieter than the G502 with detents engaged, and I prefer the feel of the Naos in that regard, but I suspect it's a result of less robust construction, and expect the scroll wheel will be the first point of failure. Software DOES NOT need to be running all the time, any changes are immediately stored on the mouse and persist when connected to different computers. Every manufacturer should be doing this, it's a significant reason I stopped using Razer peripherals and a primary reason that other brands, e.g. Corsair, have been non-starters despite some good designs. Even the G502 was more annoying in this regard, requiring extra steps to store profiles on board and use without the desktop app. That said, software is a little limited. There are no media control options, which was a little disappointing. I use a fixed DPI the vast majority of the time, I would have liked the option to use the DPI adjustment buttons below the wheel as volume controls. Also no 'modifier' options, e.g. different settings for [scroll wheel] and [side button+scroll wheel]. At the end of the day, I can't really see why anyone would want the non-Naos options, there are lots of mice in those form factors at comparable price points with more features and better build quality. For the weird-handed community though, my first impression is that the Naos is an easy recommendation to make with few compromises. Time will tell if the purported durability issues have been resolved. Edit 10/18: I've had this mouse for seven days and it's already shot, massive chatter on left click. About half the time, either a single click will register as a double click, or the mouse will click once on button press and again on release, minimizing the window I want to focus or selecting a big chunk of text in the box I want to edit, etc. Click+hold will stop holding in the middle of selecting a block of text or dragging a window or whatever. Found a firmware update available and applied it, and if anything it got worse. Looked at the notes on the update, apparently it reduces the default debounce time from 16ms to 2ms, so worse chattering is an expected result. Can not recommend, I'm back to the G502.
Oct 8, 2022
Anyone know if the quality on these have improved, was absolutely my favourite mouse with the right handed shape, but it died after a short few months and many many people said the same thing.
Oct 11, 2022
Muzzi87Ya I loved mine until the middle click gave out
Oct 7, 2022
My favorite mouse, Mionix Naos Pro. I've been using this mouse for a few years. I've tried others, but I always go back to my Naos Pro.
Oct 7, 2022
I have used the Naos / Naos Pro for the past 5 years and I cannot recommend them enough. I used to have a logitech 518 that finally died, and I purchased damn near every high end mouse on the market in a search to replace it. This was what I settled on. The mice are extremely comfortable and very well made. I have one at my work office and one at home, both of which have lasted 5+ years without a hiccup. Buying here actually makes sense too because they ship from Europe when you buy through the manufacturer.
Oct 7, 2022
Mistake in the description : “Mionis PRO Wired Gaming Mous” “Mionix” and “Mouse” are mistyped
WendigoooThanks for catching it.
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