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Rooth C&P U-03 Earplugs

Rooth C&P U-03 Earplugs

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Product Description
Today’s top earplugs deliver strong ear protection with excellent audio fidelity. The Rooth C&P U-03 Earplugs take things a step further Read More

Oct 8, 2020
I have yet to receive my green earplugs. They we're set to ship on September 14th. Just wondering if there's any update as to when they'll be shipping?
Sep 27, 2020
Does anyone use these for a motorbike? I have a pinlock set that block out wind ok but still make conversations a bit hard to hear. Plus they are black and quite obvious in my ears.
Aug 18, 2020
Which ones are good for sleeping with? I was thinking about the white ones but I am unsure!
Sep 25, 2020
adamwYou cannot sleep with this style of earplug- the plastic tube parts poke out, so if roll onto your side, you'll shove the plug into the side of your head and you'll feel it.
Aug 16, 2020
WTF no shipping to Australia???? We make a lot of noise down here. Was looking forward to trying these.
Aug 14, 2020
Would these work for airplane travel? Would be nice to filter out the airplane engine drone. If so, what filter type is best?
Feb 27, 2020
Hello, I do alot of firearm shooting (Normal Midwest stuff.) and I was wondering what dB would be good for firearms? I shoot 5.56, 12 Gauge, and 9mm. Thanks!
Aug 15, 2020
VahkiI would get the highest level of blocking available. These are meant to block enough sound To prevent damage....usually cheap disposables are 29-31 dB if used correctly—however, this might be too much for someone going to a concert. Musicians who play wind instruments hate those earplugs because having everything completely sealed makes everything sound like it would with a cheap tape recorder....a flat sound with no reverberation. They make bone conducting headphones that literally vibrate the bones next to the ear—I think the sound that I hear while playing trumpet with those earplugs Is being heard the same way. Those bone conducting headphones don’t even touch the ears and you can turn them all the way up without causing hearing damage—even at levels that would cause damage with regular cans or speakers. They are kind enough like open backed can hear everything around you—there isn’t much sound leakage, and none of them have exceptional sound quality. If I have to wear earplugs while playing, I prefer open backed cans...most of musicians at the studio only keep The regular Sony pro closed back cans that the studios use on one ear...for the click track. Personally, I mostly use earplugs with 9, 12, or 15 dB of protection while playing. Over the course of a 3-4 hour gig, that is enough that I don’t cause permanent ear damage. If you look up the sound levels that cause hearing damage, you will see that what is safe for one minute, fifteen minutes, An hour, two hours, and four hours is different. I’ve been to movies loud enough that my ears will recover by morning, but if I where to sit in that environment for 8 hours, it would be enough that recovery would take Much longer...and that’s if I recovered... repeatedly enduring sustained loud levels of volume....without giving your ears enough time to recover in probably the most common cause of hearing loss. I use 15db for nightclub or rock gigs. I use 9db for most jazz gigs. I only use them when I have brass players playing loud parts and sitting behind me for orchestra gigs. I would at least wear the cheap plugs around 30db, and I would consider using them along with over the ear protection. Over The Ear protection is mostly what I’ve seen at the gun range. The things you see professional lawn crews or someone working outside around the planes at an airport. There are some models that have built in am/fm radios, 2.5” inputs, and even bluetooth... if you have a pair of Bose QC35 or Sony XM3 over ear cans, I think both of them offer around 33 dB of noise isolation—not as much as actual over ear protection, but probably enough. Over ear protection creates a better seal and are more protective than any in ear plugs, and it’s much easier to be sure that they are being worn correctly. Another idea is to wear a pair of over the ear cans...something with good noise isolation, regardless of if they are noise canceling. Guns are so loud that even the short bursts put out enough pressure to cause damage. If you did wear these, I would only do it in combination with over ear protection as secondary protection.
Feb 10, 2020
These seems to get lost inside my ears. Have anybody tried to attach a cord or something to the plugs?
Feb 23, 2020
larbjoI've used a cord with other designs, the best way to attach with these might be if you can get a very thin cord to stay around the filter, so the compression of the outer material holds it in place. You just have to make sure you're not breaking the seal around the filter, but that shouldn't be hard with something like sewing thread.
Jan 3, 2020
I managed to find a frequency chart for these, including a better description of each filter type. IMO the NRR is more of an average or so, see and The Parts Express link also includes all 4 filters I think, which in my mind makes the Drop here a much worse value, even with paying for shipping. I'll get them from Parts Express and try and remember to post a review of each filter.
Jan 1, 2020
hi, can anyone explain to me why this offer is in the audiophile section?
Jan 3, 2020
I believe he was mocking people who 'think' they can hear well, and if they want to live in that fantasy, they have to protect their ears from high noises, hence these earplugs, mostly for louder working environments, from the looks of it.
Jan 3, 2020
wfmsiekierkaIf you're an audiophile who attends a lot of live concerts (or if you work in music/production) then they'll help you protect your hearing. The long-term risks are well known, though most of us have no idea how loud a concert will be or how Welly be affected until we leave with a headache and tinnitus.
Dec 14, 2019
Really curious about the testing done to get those numbers. Is it an ANSI-style NRR (either a test with 20 subjects to average fit, or a new-style controlled test with a newer acoustic measurement rig) that averages frequencies up to 8 kHz, or is it a European-style rating for a single frequency? I'd be surprised if the manufacturer doesn't have both. The filters I've tried at >17 dB NRR all sound notably more muddy than plugs aiming for less reduction, so I'm not optimistic about these filters.
Jan 3, 2020
DanielRJacksonThe Advanced Sound Eartune Live U (also available on Amazon) have quite good fidelity in my opinion, and even include a good dB curve on their website ( I've used them in some quite noisy environment and find music (at least various electronica) comes through quite good, but obviously not nearly as noisy. Don't know about these Rooth, however the Rooth C&P M02 Earplugs previously offered by Drop (I have the 21db Concert/Party Protection) have pretty good fidelity, although I think the Live U ones are better. I do need to find my Etymotic ER20XS that I got, they're somewhere, and try those again. For some of the eletronica I tried using them at they just didn't provide quite enough dB reduction that I was looking for. I get what you're saying about high NRR being more muddy, and I find that with the Surefire EP4 (24 dB) that I use if it gets WAY too loud. Decent fidelity, but heavy noise damping entirely. They're meant for firing range hearing protection though, not music.
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