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Sage Ranger 19oz Unsanforized Indigo Denim

Sage Ranger 19oz Unsanforized Indigo Denim

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Product Description
The 2018 version of the Sage Ranger, these jeans feature 19-ounce unsanforized loomstate gold x silver line selvage denim: a fabric exclusively milled for Sage and made on a shuttle loom. The deep indigo denim is rope-dyed, which means it’ll fade faster than it would with other methods of dyeing, and its ring slub gives it a rigid, hairy feel Read More

Aug 22, 2018
As to the "issues" discussed below and above--I hate to be a kill-joy, but there's a reason Levi 501s became the most popular jeans in world. This stuff may be trendy, but Levis actually work.
Aug 24, 2018
I believe you're giving rednecks more credit than due:
"The spelling britches is a spelling variant, not a corruption, dating from the 17th century. Presently, britches reflects a common pronunciation often used in casual speech to mean trousers or pants in many English-speaking parts of the world. Breeks is a Scots or northern English spelling and pronunciation."
As to the overlap you suggest--I remain unconvinced. I have a pen or two about to celebrate their centennial birthdays . The balance come from the heyday of fountain pens (1920's through the 1950s) so, while none of them are Spring Chickens, everyone of them are ready to do another century of service to whomever I pass them on to. And while I often wish I could hop into the Way-Back Machine and do some pen shopping, I don't think I'd be interested hopping into someone's 70-year old jeans--nor do I thing my great, great grandchildren would be willing to wear a pair of mine, a hundred years down the line (that's my guess, anyway).
Some things are made to last, some things not. Turns out, the pen is mightier than the jean!
Aug 26, 2018
Nov 17, 2017
The by line for watch out Japan blah blah blah is rather stupid and presumptuous especially when you consider labor costs and between both countries. I really don't see why people insist on making statements like that to get people's attention. Look at PRPS 90+ percent of their products are now made in China and they are straight up garbage compared to their old made in Japan products. Just advertise the product and spare us the ethnocentric or nationalistic nonsense.
Nov 23, 2017
I'm a little confused with the whole unsanforized, first wash, first soak, don't wash thing, sizing thing. Hope I've ordered the correct size. I wear 32" jeans. I have always washed my jeans after each time I wear them for a few days. Now I'm reading that in fact (especially with raw denim) it's better not to wash them at all! Or at least not for the first several months. Now I've ordered the 32 which has a waist size of 34....does this mean I have to wear too big jeans for the first few months until the first wash? Confused 🤔
Nov 27, 2017
CatLikeFelixYo, duuuuuuuuuude, I see someone else gave you some sizing instructions, but as for the rest of your question regarding washing your jeans...just remember that they will be your jeans. You can do whatever you want with them. If you want to wash them every day, do it. If you never want to wash them, that is cool, too. I am sure there are many webpages that will give you advice on how to live your life and wear your jeans, but do what you want. Go check out many websites and read about other people's experiences and advice and find use some of those pieces to make something that works for you. I live in a sweaty place and have to wash jeans sometimes. Plus, dirt and ball-sweat and stuff will make the jeans more abrasive and cause a crotch blow-out my opinion. All of this is debatable and this is the internet, someone out there will debate you (correction: tell you that your opinion is wrong).
Regarding not washing jeans, it is my understanding that this is how you get "high contrast" fades. With every wear, your jeans will fade at the wrinkles, stress points, and abrasion areas. If you wash them, the jeans fade more evenly all over. So you will lose those "high contrast" type fades. Maybe that doesn't matter to you. I would recommend washing them by hand in a bathtub and hang them dry. I use S-hooks to hang them from the belt loops...but that is what I do. Sometimes washing machines wrinkle the jeans funky, so I avoid it.
But, since you asked, I would put those jawns on and either soak in the bathtub or shower. Then wear them around until they dry a little. This will get that initial shrink/stretch out of the way. It will also eliminate some of the starch. Wearing them during this process helps stop them from probably shrinking too much. Oh and some people like the starch, it helps make high contrast fades faster.
Furthermore, the world of raw denim is a weird and fascinating place. You went even further down the rabbit hole and got loomstate denim! UNSANFORIZED! Man, way to jump in the deep end. mail ordered without trying on! It is all part of the adventure. I hope the experience is a good one for you and they fit well and you find a wash/wear routine that makes you happy. And if they don't fit, maybe fund a buddy who they will fit. Make a trade, make a sale. Share the adventure. And maybe you will have fun and then end up with a pile of denim, leaving rambling posts on message boards, telling anyone who will listen about how special your jeans are. They won't care. They bought their jeans at Costco...nothing wrong with is just that they will not care that your jeans are 19 oz loomstate selvedge denim. No, they don't want to hear about what makes a shuttle loom so special. But you will tell them anyways because you will have become the denim demon...the oni. (shout out to Oni Denim! I been wearing my onis the past week and they are coooooooooool)
As for me, if these fit well enough out the box, I am going to put them on and take them to the ocean for my initial soak. Some jerks do that...then they rub sand on the jawns and create their own fades. Is that cheating? Maybe...but who cares? Live the dream, dude!
Nov 27, 2017
Rexford😂 perfect! Thank you for all the info 👍🏼 I'm confident they're gonna fit perfectly and I'll find a washing system that is the best out there. 👖☀️
Nov 20, 2017
These are nice jeans. They have very good fades due to the rope dye. The loom fabric is great. I have the 25oz Everbeast ll and the 19 oz 5th Chieftain. I paid $40 each time for shipment. If you look on facebook, the Rangers have some of the nicest fades. Measure a pair of jeans that fit you well. Be exact, and measure up if your in between. I soak in a bath with them on, hang them to drip, and put them back on damp to maintain the shape. The slim cut will show your boots, and shoes better. This is a deal!!
Nov 23, 2017
ElsidHey Elsid. Sounds like you have experience with these jeans. I'm a little confused with the whole thing. I've always bought 32" jeans and washed them after a few days of wearing...suffice to say they don't last very long. My current Levi's are falling apart after 3 years. So I've ordered the Rangers in the 32 size but the actual waist is bigger than this but everything I'm reading on the subject says don't wash the jeans for at least 6 months or the longer the better at least...does this mean I have to wear too big jeans for 6 months? I'm wondering if I should have got a smaller size?
Nov 26, 2017
CatLikeFelixHi, the sizing is true to size and these will shrink. When you get them, I feel it's best to put them on, and wear in a bath for an half hour or so. The hotter the water, the more they will shrink. Putting them in water also helps prevent crotch blowout. Wear them as long as you can without washing after the initial soak. 3 months, or whatever you and others can stand. The longer you can go, the better the fades. When you wash, wash by hand and hang to dry. I ordered a size too large with my first pair from Sage, and I'm considering putting them in the dryer. People say not to, but I feel it's better than having them too large. I'm at three months on these 25oz, and they're starting to show some fade. My second pair is true to size. I did the soak, hung them up to drip, went to put them back on while damp, and had to lay on the bed to get them back on. They were uncomfortable, but streched back to the perfect size in a couple of hours. Here's another tip. The buttons are difficult at first, so I take the handle of a butter knife, twist and stretch the holes. I read that some people were losing a thumb trying to button their pants. Lol! I find stretching the holes a lot easier. Cheers!
Nov 17, 2017
So do they stretch back out after the first soak shrinks them? The amount of shrink mentioned in the description is similar to the amount of stretch I see with sanforized denim which leads me to believe I would want to just compare the measurements of these in raw state to a well fitting pair of lived in denim.
Nov 17, 2017
GuyFromSFThey'll stretch back out just a bit, but not as much to go back to original measurements. Honestly, you can control the shrinkage quite a bit by playing with the different factors: time exposure, water temperature. This is gonna sound crazy, but usually for unsanforized I personally tend to do that first soak in the bathtub with the jeans on.
Nov 20, 2017
TomasVI thought you did that with all denim, so that it shapes up to your fit and doesn't hang weird; that's what I was taught as a kid - I assumed everyone did that?
Now I'm suspicious that my parents were messing with 10 year old me, to discourage me bugging them for new jeans... or, something...
Nov 17, 2017
This might be my next pair. I love my MDxNF pants. And I'm not a pants type of dude.
Nov 20, 2017
BrainFlushMe neither, but everytime I take mine off, I end up in the cells. The problem, with being pantless in the drunk tank, is that you will sober up before morning and then you can never forget :-( So, you drink more... and then you are pantless in the tank again. It's a vicious circle, a vicious, vicious circle... I think, it's best if I get these pants.
Jan 21, 2018
sounds like a lot of brahs are having problems with leg twist. Recommend reading up on "loomstate" and "unsaforized" denim and "leg twist" before you get the torches and ransack massdrop. that isn't the end-all article, but it is a start. This is the internets, so someone will probably tell me I am incorrect, but I think leg twist is expected with loomstate. The degree of twist is what makes this and adventure!
If you don't want leg twist, then I would recommend not getting loomstate or unsanforized denim in the future. Sanforized denim takes a lot of the funny business out of jawns buying. My jeans are on a boat in the pacific somewhere trying to get to me...who knows, maybe in a week or two, I will get out my torch with yinz. I keep hearing 30" inseams and that has me many scared. But whatever! hakuna matata! UNDER THE SEA! There will be no accusations, just friendly crustaceans UNDER THE SEA!
Jan 21, 2018
RexfordHi there! Thanks for sharing this article, and that's exactly correct that you'd expect to see some leg twist after the first few washes; specially on unsanforized small-batch production denim. It's part of the character of the fabric itself, and part of the charm from unsanforized denim. As always, the best way to avoid sizing/shrinking/twisting complications it's to go the safe route and buy sanforized denim. It's obviously not the same, but it's a sure shot if you aren't familiar with or haven't explored unsanforized before.
Nov 22, 2017
I'm hoping you can give me some advice on sizing. I have a 35" waist and the most comfortable jeans I have measure 35.5" to 36" waist and usually a slim fit. For these I'm just looking for very little labor to maintain sizing. Would the 36" size be best?
Nov 22, 2017
Pcayenne04Truth be told unsanforized jeans are not very little labor to maintain sizing. For that I'd recommend a sanforized pair (which a little bird told me we'll be featuring in the coming days). However, with a little bit of careful planning these are beautiful 19oz jeans that age incredibly well. For these personally for you I'd go with the size 36 in the Slim Fit and do that first soak in lukewarm (not hot) water (either in the tub with your jeans on or in a sink by themselves for about 30 mins).
Nov 22, 2017
TomasVThanks! I really appreciate the insight, and for the price, it's kind of "why not?"
I'm in.
Aug 23, 2018
Do these come in the button or zip fly?
Aug 23, 2018
SyedSalehButton fly
I can confirm: before soak the waist is 1.5" shorter than indicated: Size 32 was a true 32 and not 33.5". Front and back rise are pretty accurate on my end. I wore them for the actual tub soak and was able stretch the waist back out to the pre-soak measure. I kept the soak cold and inseam went to 32" only.
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