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449 requests
183 Sold
Product Description
Ideal for driving demanding headphones, the SMSL SAP-II delivers clean, powerful sound from a compact package. It outputs 1,000 mW at 32 ohms—impressive for an amp with a footprint of just 5 by 3 inches Read More
A lot of bang for buck. Absolutely no noise from the amp.; just smooth power. I use it with my Massdrop Purpleheart Fostex phones/Fiio X3 2 combo and never get much past 9:00 on the dial.
Unbelievably powerful headphone amp. My 1 watt Audio Engine amp can't reach the power level this does at 1/2 power. Either Audio Engine is lying about producing a 1 watt headphone amp or this unit is 10 watts (which it isn't).
Fitted with a Burson V5i dual opamp this small amplifier packs a pure and linear power to virtually ANY headphones you will plug info it ! 1w is more than enough to wake up even high impedance cans. At this price this is a steal !
I tried the LT1364 too...great sound ...much cheaper too (less than 10€).
IMHO Burson is too expensive for a 40€ amplifier ! Go for the LT1364 you should love it !
(BTW I have one of each available on sale if yoI absolutely want to switch :))