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Tada68 PBT Dye Subbed Keycaps set

Tada68 PBT Dye Subbed Keycaps set

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151 Sold

Oct 14, 2017
@XiK Is there any way to buy an aluminium case only? I already have 2 TADAs but with plastic cases.
Oct 25, 2017
XiKBit meh on the savings there @XiK
Cheaper to get it from aliexpress and it will probably ship sooner which is actually pretty funny considering aliexpress shipping times.
Mar 8, 2018
kind of too expansive
Mar 9, 2018
scottluThis is cheaper and has more options (and keycap options not available otherwise). It's fine to not know what you're talking about, but it's not fine to pretend you do.
Mar 9, 2018
You a good guy for not being a dick to him
Oct 13, 2017
*Hacker Voice* I'm In. First custom keyboard Kit, i'm really looking forward to it!
Oct 14, 2017
I recently acquired and built one of these from a kit (exactly the same as here) and must say for the price, this is really hard to beat if you are into the 65% layout.
The case quality is actually quite nice. It is VERY heavy and sturdy, and really does make it seem like a premium product. The "duck" style means it has more of an angle than most stock boards, but personally I really like the angle. The case does have 2 holes on either side to allow for the pre-soldered LED's on the bottom of the PCB to shine through. It isn't very bright by any means, but it does add a nice accent.
The PCB itself is decent, I had no issues with mine. Programming it isn't terribly hard either (will have more of a guide in my full review up soon!). The optional caps are fantastic for the price as well (dye sub cherry profile, I had a "red alert" colorscheme).
All in all, I'd definitely recommend this. Again, the price is the real winner here. I know you can get this as a completed unit, but I always recommend kits over fully built boards, because you have a lot more options (switches, stabs, leds, etc) and can make it much more of your own.
If you have any questions about this please just let me know here!
Oct 13, 2017
livingspeedbumpAre the stabs included in this kit any good? Or would I have to get some genuine cherry stabs separately?
feizorThey were fine, so far no issues with them!
Mar 10, 2018
Ok so 1st off this is a good deal for some people, not for me, and here is why.
I would configure mine with gateron blue switches and black legend keycaps. This would cost 141. This would get shipped out in 3 months.
Comparatively I could go this route:
It will cost me 169 for basically the same set up. With a couple exceptions.
Exceptions: 1. Pre assembled, so I don't have to buy solder and tools, or have to pay someone to do it for me. 2. Comes with white LEDs. 3. Will ship pretty quick and I'd have it in 3-4 weeks tops. 4. 30$ more expensive
For me, the extra 30 would be worth it for the LEDs(yes I know it's just backlighting and the caps aren't shine through, but i like to have the option to maybe change my caps down the raod to pbt double shot translucent legends), and the fact that I don't have to worry about soldering or anything, and it arrives quicker.
Where it makes sense for some people is when the have any of the following:
1. Already own Keycaps and or switches that will be used instead 2. Want specific, non listed, switches or keycaps (Like DSA, SA, or different color scheme all together). 3. Have access to tools to solder (or a person to do it for free or cheap) 4. Just love the idea that THEY made it. :) (This would be me, but let's be honest.... I'd screw this up... I'm pretty clumsy!!) 5. Are not in a rush and want the best price. 6. Can easily get better stabilizers(for additional 10-15USD) 7. Patience (definitely NOT me)
Like I said it IS a good deal, but it's not for everyone (kinda obvious). I'd still go with the AliExpress one.
Mar 13, 2018
PoblopuabloKBDfans offers a wider range of switches plus an option to choose from a wide range of LED colors and the low profile aluminum case. It still depends on availability but I feel that you'd get it faster and cheaper there than here in MD.
Apr 16, 2018
PoblopuabloI also suggest trying KBDFans's own website for custom builds. You can choose more (any) switches, more LED colors, more cases and types of keycaps, and they also offer assembly service there, so pretty sure it's worth it.
Mar 8, 2018
Just to make sure, this include the high profile case, not low profile? The high profile alone is 99 one KBDFans so this is an excellent deal if it comes with that case.
Mar 9, 2018
The case alone is 99 on their website. I know it can be added for 60-70 on the kit but I was comparing it to the case alone because I was going to buy just the case yesterday and this drop is essentially a free PCB for me. But thanks for confirming it's hi-pro case.
Mar 9, 2018
TanvirK175 /cheer
Jan 10, 2018
I like how I wait patiently for the day it gets delivered only to find out there are no stabilizers...
Jan 13, 2018
FlyKoBoyall trippin
Jan 13, 2018
Oct 13, 2017
Is there any way to program these that does not require the virus Flash? If your not aware Adobe has discontinued Flash because they have determined there is no way they can continue to make Flash work that does not give a remote system 100% full access to your filesystem, and still be competitive with HTML5. So just having Flash installed to program this keyboard puts your computer, your finances and your identity at risk.
Oct 18, 2017
bmmcwhirtSorry for the silly question, but your comment has me concerned. Should I be cautious with this drop due to needing Flash to program it? :(
Oct 18, 2017
SlayerageNO! You can use QMK( there is a HTML5 config editor ( It does not have a layout base for the tada68 so you have to upload one from the source or just use the QMK source code and edit the config file. It's not quite as straight forward but this keyboard is will worth the trouble. If you want you can buy me one too.
Mar 8, 2018
The same keyboard is available on Amazon for $99 preassembled. Sold by kbdfans.
Mar 8, 2018
a whole kits is around 150$, -50$ for case. it's same price as amazon, and not assembled. so it's more expansive than amazon.
Mar 8, 2018
scottluThe difference in price is due to the difference in materials. Plastic case vs. Aluminum case.
Also, a lot of people will argue that an assembled version is actually a con. I enjoy building it myself and would like to choose my own switches instead of the few that the assembled one can come with.
So everyone is missing stabilizers?
Jan 31, 2018
Thanks for that, sorry for my ignorance, I tried doing some research on which ones and looking at the photos from the drop.
1. I can see in the picture they have 5 stabs, but there appears to be an addition stab the same size as the space bar - Space bar - Left shift - Backspace - Enter
2. Sizes are 1x 6.25u 3x 2u
3. Style is plate mount
Feb 1, 2018
OnggieI have no idea why there was a picture of 5 stabs in the drop description. You only need 1x6.25u and 3x2u for tada68.
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