So is anyone informed enough to be able to explain the difference between Beyerdynamic DT800's (32Ohm) and these? I'm on the fence as I don't know if this is a step down, a step up, or a sidestep in some unknown direction.
mihalskiif headphones have same technical characteristics but have higher impedance - u will have a clearer signal on them, but u will need a better amp (higher mW output), i dont think that there is a big difference between 32 and 64, unlike 250 or even 600 ohms. 600 is preferable if u have a decent audio system, but there are many other factors.
Also i maybe incorrect in some terms, sorry if i explained something wrong.
Lith1umThanks. That helps explain the effect of impedance.. I got the 32Ohm DT880's so I could drive them fro man iPhone, iPad or even DS. And they work great for that. But I mostly use them plugged into an AV Receiver now. Which I guess only leaves the question of how these headphones differ from the DT880's
mihalskiTo drive the K7XX's to the max you need about 3.5 volts and 60 milliamps (maby not ear-shattering on normal line out), to drive the 32 ohm DT880's you only need around 2 volts and 55milliamps (no problems driving it with normal line out). Like Lith1um also said, a higher ohm one will usually be "tighter" sounding . This is because of the drivers being more stiff and won't flop around in a short burst of high frequency when they shouldn't (like the edges of a square wave), but if you just listen at normal listening levels you probably won't notice the tiny distortion (and higher ohm speakers won't get as loud with the same output). So the choice is yours, do what you wan't with the information.
mihalskias far as i know 64 ohms will work great \ same as 32 on any laptop /integrated sound card, receiver or simple phone (especially on iphone since it has great audio system compared to most monile devices), so mainly u will have no issues unless u use totally bad source (like 1$ chinese player) for them, which i guess u will not )
wowsersYour description was super helpful in terms of comparing impedance across the same headphones, but I still don't know how these would compare with the DT880's. Do they have more/less bass/treble/mids? Is there any reason I may want these headphones alongside the DT880's I already have? I'm after something with a little more bass. Do these have less or more? Should I be looking at the DT990's instead?
mihalskiI own neither, so I'm in the dark as to actually listening to them. But looking around the internets I found comparisions between the DT880's, K701's, HD650's. LinusTechTips also has a review of the K7XX's you can watch (there he has a hard time picking a winner between them and the HD600's). But it seems like the DT880's is a brighter headset than the K7XX (even the 'cold' K701's were warmer), so you might just like them. But remember that the burn-in can be a bit ridiculous on the K7XX's (as many other headphones from AKG)
mihalskiI tried both, own the k7xx from preious drop. the DT's are better in my opinion. although i am not disatifised, i am not satisfied with these cans either.
mihalskiThere's a critical impedance where an amp will just crap itself above x voltage, these headphones need quite a bit of juice also, my Q701's can't not run at a comfortable volume off my phone, or computer line-level output when watching movies, they are OK for music without replay gain, with replaygain (-8dB average) you'll need to turn them up to blast them, if you're running them in a noisy place, forget about it.
Your AVReciever probably isn't designed very well to power headphones, as it isn't their main design focus.
impedance isn't linear with frequency, so high impedance outputs (above 1/8th of the headphones) will colour the sound, though AKG's K7 line hasn't got a huge variation up till about 10k, not uncommon to find 10ohm outputs on phones.
A direct comparison between the KXX and the DT 880 30ohm's:
They're gonna be about -6dB quieter, and possibly a lot more if your amp can't power 60ohms with the same amount of juice as 32ohms
mihalskiI would rather spend it on DT990 than the K7xx, personally. The main gripe I have with K7xx is that the bass is very flat, it has no punch what so ever. To me, bass has to have a punch, not just sound.
For reference, I mainly use Fostex TH-900 and XBA-Z5 and I like those two so if you like any of those two, you'll probably like headphones / iem's i like.
pol5You COULD always remove the sticker that's covering the bassport to gain more bass, but that would probably void the warranty (even if you can put them back).
pol5Thank you for your input. I've not heard either of those, but I am after punchier bass. A friend recommended Audio Technica ATH-A2000X headphones. Have you had any experience with those?
YellowOnionWasn't an issue with good receiver. I have an Onkyo NR616 receiver and it works great. Volume needs to be turned up to ~70 with the K7XX. I turn the receiver up to around the same volume to watch loud action movies. HD598s need less power and I turn the volume to ~60. Using a portable amplifier, I have to turn on high gain to keep volume at ~50%. With low gain, I have to use 80-90% volume.