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Allegory Goods The Wanderer Leather Notebook

Allegory Goods The Wanderer Leather Notebook

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148 requests
Product Description
Allegory’s The Wanderer is inspired by the days of train travel and the spirit of hitting the open road. Made with waterproofed Ecuadorian Latigo leather, the notebook is the perfect complement to the iconic Moleskine Classic notebook (included) Read More

Nov 7, 2019
I, too, like the idea that someone can take a couple pieces of leather and with some trimming and stitching make a moleskine notebook cover, but this kinda more looks like it was inspired by the days of 5th grade art class and the spirit of charging $40 for something no one actually needs. The flap isn't finished, the buttonholes are just slits with holes punched at the end, there's no place for a pen or pencil -- I mean, if you're going to make something like this so people can feel like explorers in the bush, realize that you're trying to emulate a period where workmanship was prized. Make it look like someone spent longer than 10 minutes fashioning it, FFS. Have a little pride.
Nov 4, 2020
So weirdly confrontational. Hope it's helping you get through your days.
Nov 4, 2020
jalvaniIt's fine by me if you buy, use and love this item. To tell the truth I'd be delighted if someone could prove to me that in the right hands this item is some kinda piece of primo kit; being wrong about an assumption is typically a golden learning opportunity, and mistakes in general are wonderful teachers. I was more responding to the ad copy which was more than a little preciously worded, and the, er, 'rustico' aspect of the construction. It's also fine if you have as little use for my comment as I have for a moleskine, and I'm absolutely fine with you telling me so. I mean, someone's buying the things; presumably they DO have a use for them. And if you don't like 'snark' -- brother, I'm uncertain the Internet is the place for you, but I'm also ok with someone telling me they don't appreciate the levity with which I dismiss certain sales pitches in this world. So three for three so far -- fair comments all. But I gotta tell you - you might want to rethink the whole strategy of picking a fight over a year old comment, on behalf of other people, regarding a product you say you haven't used, to tell someone they're 'weirdly confrontational'. Most people can spot an issue there. :)
Nov 7, 2019
Vegetable tanned? Restore with neatsfoot oil? Think about it: If you could get a tan from vegetables, why are tanning beds so expensive? And have you ever actually seen a Neat? No, you haven't! So how do you know they have feet? You don't! Stop falling for MD's hype!

(Edited by moderator AlexPk)
Nov 7, 2019
$40 is an awful lot to pay for a flap of leather with bad stitching and unfinished edges.
Nov 7, 2019
Is this for field notes?
Nov 7, 2019
Ant5435It says moleskin, 5”x3.5”. And for that reason, I’m out.
Oct 29, 2020
@AllegoryGoods - Can you do colored stitching in this? I happen to have a Saddle/Blue collection going.
rhpot1991We would have to do this on a custom basis but yes, shoot us an email at
Nov 4, 2020
Does this fit Field Notes standard sized notebooks ~137mm x 88mm and 48pages? @AllegoryGoods
jalvaniThis one is for the moleskine classic. A bit thicker than field notes, but about the same footprint.
Mar 1, 2021
AllegoryGoodsFor a $40 leather product, why haven't you burnished the edges? Why are they ragged and unfinished? Why is the stitching so bad?
Apr 24, 2020
Does this open flat?
uilomYes, it will perform just like a small paperback book. So not as flat as a spiral bound when open but pretty close.
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