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Angry Miao AFA R2 Mechanical Keyboard

Angry Miao AFA R2 Mechanical Keyboard

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Product Description
Angry Miao’s original AFA split-layout mechanical keyboard brought with it incredible quality and excellent typing feel. Now, the AFA R2 is here to carry the torch (or rather, two torches) with upgrades and refinements Read More

Jun 23, 2024
It would be nice if these GB runners who spend all this time on fancy renders etc could remember the basics like a simple front-on layout map
Jun 20, 2024
That Veritech Fighter colorway, tho... As for folks complaining about the layout - this is decidedly a hyper-niche product, even within the niche of expensive mechanical keyboards. It's an Angry Miao product - this is literally what they do. There are more layout choices available now than ever before - this is just one of them.
Jul 15, 2024
You misunderstood my central points, and added quite a few nonexistent ones of your own that I won't be addressing. My actual central point: regardless of your chops as an individual typist, you are the only typist you can speak for. That being my philosophy and the nature of my criticism towards your position, I'm not inclined to "paraphrase". I gently pointed out the absurdity of complaining about a niche product as if its dictating the direction of a hobby that's bigger and more diverse than its ever been, and the subsequent incredulity of speaking for others. I happily stand by that, and find the position undaunted by aforementioned strawman arguments and adjacent speculative assertions. It's okay if you disagree, but taking it as a personal attack is toxic - for you, for the forum, for the hobby. I figured you'd see a discussion thread you're subscribed to by default, btw - I just had no inclination to make the comment about you over the absurd points made and figured you'd either provide some substance to say otherwise or move on. The other thing you missed is that while I was criticizing the core of your assertion, I wasn't criticizing you - until your challenge about GWAM. That's pretty goofy on its face - and I happily stand by that assertion, too. Be proud of your GWAM and all that, by the way - it sounds like it's something you worked for, it's a valid skill, and you deserve to feel good about it - I even believe you that you're super good at typing. Just coming back around to that original core point: don't think it's going to lend credibility to statements made on behalf of anyone not living in your meat with you.
Jul 15, 2024
DeadeyeDave"U R TEH ONLEE TIPIST U CAN SPEEK FORE!!!" That's pretty much where I stopped reading. Typing is not an art form. You're not painting a mural or sculpting with clay. You're typing. There are standardized rules and methods, and I am speaking on behalf of them. The fact you're still not understanding this further tells me how unknowledgeable you are on this topic, which you incorrectly feel you're qualified to speak on. Holding the paintbrush by the bristles may work when art is a "no wrong answers" medium, but using a keyboard incorrectly results in a bad GWAM, wrist issues, and, even worse, badly designed keyboards becoming the standard. Keyboards are a tool and there's only one right way to use them. It's not an elitist mentality. Anybody can learn it, and I've been trying to get you to do just that for nearly a month now. You simply choose not to. You are willfully dumb and seem to think anybody who's not willfully dumb like you is a ridiculous person. But that matters little, as you probably think most things aren't worth caring about and routinely laugh at anybody does. I have always understood your real intention. You want to point and laugh at somebody for being knowledgeable and outspoken in an area you're too lazy to explore yourself, and for some reason you want to do it on a website that caters to the exact same crowd you're mocking. Under ordinary circumstances, this would simply make you a troll. Most importantly, you thought you would get a lot of imaginary internet points for it, but instead you got confronted and now you're trying to move goal posts. As you can see, I understand your intentions perfectly. So you can stop re-explaining them now. Nice touch pretending you're too good to paraphrase, though. Just a few comments ago your only reply was simply "LOL" like you're a 12 year old boy. But now you have too much integrity and self-respect to paraphrase, huh? If you can drop $700 on a keyboard, then you can spend an hour learning to use it. It's not an elitist attitude. You're just being lazy.
Jun 18, 2024
No F-row. Only one modifier on the right side: The Fn key. No Fn key on the left. Only one Fn key total. The shift key and the up arrow key have been swapped. The ESC key is awkwardly off to the side and misaligned. The spacebar is still huge. It's split but you can't add or adjust any angle. There's a weird angle in each half that causes the keys to be misaligned and would take a lot of errors before you got used to it. I hate the direction keyboards are going in. I don't mind when they experiment because sometimes it works out, but these are things we already know don't work. No typist would take this seriously. This is a toy, not a tool.
Jul 5, 2024
"cheap chinese crap ones" (mouse_md). Sounds like your own opinion and not an objective comment.
Jul 5, 2024
bob346It absolutely is objective fact. Name one thing china makes better than any other country that isn't pollution. They don't make the best version of anything. They just make more of it.
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"U R TEH ONLEE TIPIST U CAN SPEEK FORE!!!" That's pretty much where I stopped reading. Typing is not an art form. You're not painting a mural or sculpting with clay. You're typing. There are standardized rules and methods, and I am speaking on behalf of them. The fact you're still not understanding this further tells me how unknowledgeable you are on this topic, which you incorrectly feel you're qualified to speak on. Holding the paintbrush by the bristles may work when art is a "no wrong answers" medium, but using a keyboard incorrectly results in a bad GWAM, wrist issues, and, even worse, badly designed keyboards becoming the standard. Keyboards are a tool and there's only one right way to use them. It's not an elitist mentality. Anybody can learn it, and I've been trying to get you to do just that for nearly a month now. You simply choose not to. You are willfully dumb and seem to think anybody who's not willfully dumb like you is a ridiculous person. But that matters little, as you probably think most things aren't worth caring about and routinely laugh at anybody does. I have always understood your real intention. You want to point and laugh at somebody for being knowledgeable and outspoken in an area you're too lazy to explore yourself, and for some reason you want to do it on a website that caters to the exact same crowd you're mocking. Under ordinary circumstances, this would simply make you a troll. Most importantly, you thought you would get a lot of imaginary internet points for it, but instead you got confronted and now you're trying to move goal posts. As you can see, I understand your intentions perfectly. So you can stop re-explaining them now. Nice touch pretending you're too good to paraphrase, though. Just a few comments ago your only reply was simply "LOL" like you're a 12 year old boy. But now you have too much integrity and self-respect to paraphrase, huh? If you can drop $700 on a keyboard, then you can spend an hour learning to use it. It's not an elitist attitude. You're just being lazy.
You misunderstood my central points, and added quite a few nonexistent ones of your own that I won't be addressing. My actual central point: regardless of your chops as an individual typist, you are the only typist you can speak for. That being my philosophy and the nature of my criticism towards your position, I'm not inclined to "paraphrase". I gently pointed out the absurdity of complaining about a niche product as if its dictating the direction of a hobby that's bigger and more diverse than its ever been, and the subsequent incredulity of speaking for others. I happily stand by that, and find the position undaunted by aforementioned strawman arguments and adjacent speculative assertions. It's okay if you disagree, but taking it as a personal attack is toxic - for you, for the forum, for the hobby. I figured you'd see a discussion thread you're subscribed to by default, btw - I just had no inclination to make the comment about you over the absurd points made and figured you'd either provide some substance to say otherwise or move on. The other thing you missed is that while I was criticizing the core of your assertion, I wasn't criticizing you - until your challenge about GWAM. That's pretty goofy on its face - and I happily stand by that assertion, too. Be proud of your GWAM and all that, by the way - it sounds like it's something you worked for, it's a valid skill, and you deserve to feel good about it - I even believe you that you're super good at typing. Just coming back around to that original core point: don't think it's going to lend credibility to statements made on behalf of anyone not living in your meat with you.
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