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BlenderBottle Classic

BlenderBottle Classic

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265 requests
Product Description
Let’s face it, no one wants lumpy protein shakes (if you do, this product isn’t for you). With the BlenderBottle Classic, you’ll be sure to get a smooth drink every time Read More

Aug 31, 2014
Bring this back please! I've been waiting a while.
May 14, 2014
Got my bottle right away and I love this thing! I'm mad I waited this long to buy one. I'd definitely buy another.
Hey everyone, We’re happy to report that all of the orders have been shipped out! Thanks again for the support guys. Make sure to share your experience with the BlenderBottle Classic on Massdrop. If there’s anything else we can do to make your Massdrop experience better, feel free to email us at
May 13, 2014
Got my BlenderBottle delivered a day or two ago. Finally used it just now and it's really great. After working out I would usually just mix my protein powders in a glass of water and stir with a spoon. It would take a good minute or more to really blend them together well. If I made a smoothie with my blender I'd lose some of the protein, which would stick to the blender and I would also have a messy clean-up.
With the BB it takes about 20-25 seconds of shaking and the drink was much more smooth than stirring with a spoon. It's easy to clean and I experienced no leaking or any issues. Great product, definitely recommend it, and I hope you guys do this drop again because I'd definitely buy a second BB.
May 1, 2014
Hey everyone, We’ve just submitted our order for the classic bottles with BlenderBottle. Now that the order has been placed, BlenderBottle will prepare it for shipment. In the meantime, we will also be getting our warehouse ready to handle the reshipment of the product to everyone as soon as it arrives. The moment we receive confirmation regarding the shipment schedule from BlenderBottle, we will provide you guys with the updated information. Cheers!
Apr 28, 2014
I'm in! Now I can make YUMMY milkshakes from Doritos and warm lard!
Apr 27, 2014
Can we get a filter option to get rid of all these "US only" drops?
Apr 27, 2014
Why is it limit 1 and why is it only available to US? I want a bunch of these for myself in canada.
Apr 24, 2014
I use one of these every week and it works really well for me. I only use it with protein powder though, people who are having issues with it might be trying to blend non-powder stuff I'm guessing.
Apr 24, 2014
These cost 2 bucks flat at the chemist. They come free from supplement companies with bulk shipments.
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