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Drop X-Mid 2P Tent Designed by Dan Durston

Drop X-Mid 2P Tent Designed by Dan Durston

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Product Description
Ultralight and easy to set up, the X-Mid 2P is our second collaboration with thru-hiker Dan Durston. With plenty of room for two, enjoying the great outdoors with a partner has never been easier.

Durston Gear X-Mid 1P and 2P Mesh tents are in stock now at Kaviso!
Oct 30, 2022
Hello everyone! I have the XMID 2P (older one). What are the lengths of the four shock cords attached to the four corners of the inner tent? Mine were removed (by me) to do some mods to the tent but I lost them. I recall that the two sets were different lengths. Two were long and two were short. Thanks in advance.
Nov 4, 2021
Love my X Mid 2 but for the first time had water on the inside of the base. I pitched on very wet ground and it was cold in the night with rain. When I woke up in the morning there was a puddle under my sleeping mat. I couldn't see any damage to the floor thought, but have always thought it feels a bit on the thin side. Anyone experienced this before or got any tips how to stop it happening again? thanks
BebbsSorry to hear about the issue. When the ground is wet and cold it's prime for condensation to occur on the floor and that'll commonly occur under the pad (not quite sure why). So if it was just a bit wet than it was probably that. If it was an actual puddle, then most likely there is a tiny hole(s) in the floor and the water was pushed up through. You might be able to find that spot and give it a touch of sealant, or if you can't find it then you could drape the floor over a bathtub or something and fill it with water to try to find the hole. If you do find a hole, we have an article hear about what sealants can be used: Of note, different sealant stick to the top vs bottom, so you want to make sure to use the right stuff.
Looking for an X-Mid? Now that Drop has moved away outdoor products, the Durston X-Mid is now sold on including the X-Mid 1P, X-Mid 2P and new X-Mid 2 Pro that uses DCF. We are currently sold out, but we have new production in the works. We recommend signing up to our email notification list to be notified when they are back in stock.
Jul 10, 2021
My 2P tent came down during some bad weather yesterday here in Iowa so I wondered if there was anything I could learn to set it up better, if anything. The tent was up against a big hail/rain (4" in 15 minutes, probably some wind) that made the ground a swamp and the stakes couldn't hold. I've never used the lines from the peaks and my stakes go in around 30deg. I don't know if those would make much difference against that much water anyway--I don't know how to make stakes hold fast in mud, and I'm not sure this tent can stand without stakes. I also threw down a tarp underneath for the first time. I'm here today washing all my gear including the tent and figured I'd see what I can do better. Jeremy
Sorry I didn't see your question until now. Indeed the original tents had 8 of those titanium hook stakes, which are really only good for firm ground as they don't hold well enough in soft soils. Now we include a mix of those and wider titanium V stakes that are much better for soft soils, but aren't as strong so they would bend if used on hard soils. I recommend for soft soils like you encountered picking up some wider stakes. Popular choices are MSR Groundhogs, Easton tube stakes, and DAC J stakes. Most outdoors stores will have something or you can buy online. Using wider stakes will be better than putting rocks on top of thin stakes.
Jul 29, 2021
dandurstonThanks Dan, I'm using the tent again at the same camp in a couple days so this is timely. The ground around here is usually hard enough to bend these hook stakes but didn't hold when saturated. I'll pick up some wide stakes before I go.
May 28, 2021
So, what is the latest information about the tent? Will it be produced, where it will be available? It's really frustrating that such a great product cannot be made in larger volumes.. One solving this problem could make a fortune on this tent only. Come on..
PaulLozanovWe are actively working on this and there is more info at Drop has assigned the X-Mid tents to a partner of theirs, who are quite interested in meeting demand so we are increasing production substantially and will another larger batch in a few months. We are also working on updated versions of the both the 1P and 2P. You can sign up for notifications of when these tents are back in stock at, such as the bottom of this page:
May 17, 2021
Will Drop/MassDrop be carrying the tent again at some point in the future? Isn't Drop pretty much getting out of the Outdoor products business or will they make a few exceptions for something like the X-Mid which has a bit of "history" with Drop? I see that Drop states that they've sold 1,000+ X-Mids. HJ
May 18, 2021
hikin.jimAh. I just read through the comments below. Drop/MassDrop will not be selling the X-Mid on the site. Amazon seems to be the only option now. HJ
hikin.jimThey were sold on Amazon this spring but we are exploring other options for the next run in the fall. The best approach is to sign up for the notification lists on, which will get you an email when they are ready with info on where and when you can get one. Those sign up lists are at the bottom of the individual tent pages, such as ths:
Apr 25, 2021
Just found this tent and missed the drop! I hope this will be available again before fall.
GunTotnHippieWe're working on the next batch. Unfortunately the entire outdoor gear industry is backlogged due to covid, so it is fall when the next batch is ready. You can stay in the loop for that here:
Apr 25, 2021
I checked Drop nearly every day during the final days before the release of the tent. Since I live in germany I was very glad that I could order the tent via Amazon DE. Now after waiting for over a month my order got canceled without any notification. I'm very dissapointed that I have to wait another season to get (hopefully) a X-Mid 2P, because it fits all my requirements for a tent.
Timo.GI'm sorry about these international Amazon issues. We are planning on a new way to sell them this fall that will be easier for international orders. You can stay in the loop for that by signing up for the email list on (since Drop isn't using their list here anymore):
Apr 11, 2021
I just did some digging to confirm if anyone in AU had confirmed delivery dates and read up on the Amazon AU balls up in the comments. I'm so disappointed... I have been patiently waiting since March 11 for my delivery date confirmation, looking at the order it now says they will email me when available... I've emailed them for an update to confirm the stock issue... would have been nice of them to let me know they'd stuffed up there was stock when I ordered now the 2P isn't even listed on au. The design looks perfect with the poles out the way and being able to use the inner fly on a clear night, I was really looking forward to it...
Apr 17, 2021
Looks like I'm one of those canceled orders, after being told by Customer service one was on its way from the US in advanced shipping stages afew days ago. I didn't get a notification it was canceled, I logged into amazon and noticed my order has disappeared from my order list and had to contact them to ask why for them to tell me it was cancelled because inventory had no stock, and to order again... ? I had first tried to order from the US site because it was cheaper, but that was before international shipping was available on the US site. And when it was offered I thought I'd secured an order and didn't want to risk it. Now to reasses and over analyse over what to get all over again... might be forced to go for the 1P
RamblerkittySorry about this issue. Drop's Amazon partner Kaviso is working to help out people that had a cancelled order. They don't have many tents left, but we might be able to get you one. Please email me at with your email and a screenshot of your failed Amazon transaction, and I'll pass your email on to them to see if they can sell you one outside of Amazon. FYI, the 1P is almost sold out. It'll sell out any day now.
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