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EAR Inc. Custom Audiophile Earplugs

EAR Inc. Custom Audiophile Earplugs

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Product Description
Made from super-soft hydrophobic silicone, the EAR Inc. Custom Audiophile Earplugs offer custom-molded protection against water and loud noise levels from music, wind, power tools, shotgun blasts, and more Read More

Dec 2, 2019
Would be nice to see some with ~10dB reduction for concerts.
Jan 27, 2016
These earplugs are a good value between $100-$130.00. The acoustic filter option, will allow for more proximity sounds to be heard, and understood... with a higher noise rating still focused on the higher frequencies. This filter, albeit, not a true "musician's" type of filter, is still widely used throughout many industries such as - nightclubs/bars, shooting sports, dentistry, motorsports, sleeping/mediation, etc.., where communication is needed.
Jan 25, 2016
I was at a trade show and I got the filtered version from them for 125. I thought that was a solid deal. I wear them to every festival and show I go to now. Work brilliantly. I would love these for shooting though. These would be great for that.
Jan 24, 2016
it ran me about $100 for custom ear molds for my TripleFi 10
my only gripe is that the material is pretty hard and leads to the ear canals hurting after about 20 mins
Jan 25, 2016
ssheikhUE18 user here. Ear canals shouldn't be hurting if the impressions were done right and the pieces were manufactured correctly. (Took 3 redos) but I can sit for 8 hours with my ciem's in with no issue, and they're solid acrylic.
Jan 24, 2016
These silicon plugs are better priced than most out there, but there are other companies that sell them for $60 - $70 retail. It would be nice if massdrop approached those companies to offer these at more competitive prices and I would jump in a heartbeat.
A community member
Jan 23, 2016
How is the soundstage on these? Do they block sound better if you use tubes?
Jan 23, 2016
While these are just custom molded earplugs. Empire Ears actually makes digital noise canceling custom ones.
People will whine about price but we can all laugh when they have tinnitus.
What is 700 dollars when it comes to your hearing? Come on now.
A community member
Jan 24, 2016
pwnermanEtymotic does too, but for less than half the price. I believe they are made in the US, if that holds any value to you.
Jan 24, 2016
They aren't custom molded though dude. The custom molding alone will add who knows how much more isolation. That is the entire point of CIEM's after all. Plus just saying but Empire Ears is USA based.
I just like their products.
Jan 23, 2016
Add 'audiophile' to anything and jack the price up, simple scam.
vongHey! don't you be talking smack about my people.
Jan 23, 2016
Audiologists will charge $30-$50 for impressions. If you call your local audiologist and ask for custom, solid core ear protectors you'll get prices in the $100 range, including the impressions. And yeah - whats up with audiophile ear protector designator??
Jan 23, 2016
How can something be "Audiophile" when it's only purpose is to protect you from the sound (audio)? Such a scam. Maybe some people think it's a custom earphone.
Jan 23, 2016
MataHariWhile I agree that the audiophile sticker is almost universally bs, earplugs don't always dampen all of the frequencies the same, resulting in distorted sound. If you want to use them at a concert for example, you'll want something that blocks the sound the same all across the board (I would still not use the word audiophile however). Of course you can get non-custom fit earplugs that can do that, block similar amount of noise and cost far less.
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