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Product Description
LOKSAK OPSAK bags are airtight, water resistant, and 100-percent odor proof. The bags are lined with a film to create a barrier, which keeps the smell of food from escaping and ensures your food stays fresh Read More
This says it is good to 170 degrees so you can cook in it, but then calls for boiling water. To quote "the OPSAK can withstand heat up to 170 degrees Fahrenheit and you can safely pour boiling water in to rehydrate food." When I went to school water boiled at 212 degrees, so can someone explain how this works without melting the bag.
I included an empty large loksak bag in my 5 day resupply package on a 10 day hike. Rained every day. Shipped my old, dirty clothes back home in it. Pro: it made it through the post office. Con: . Girlfriend said that she has, to this day, never smelled anything so rank. Fot getting your dirty smellies back home it works. I only use it paired with other, dependable, proven bear protection when I’m in their territory.
I've been using these to pack out my dog's used poo bags for the last three years. The first one wore out quickly, but that was before I learned to be gentle enough to avoid damaging the ziplock at the top. Now, one bag generally lasts several months or even multiple seasons. For what I use them for, they work better than anything else I've tried, including double- or triple-bagging the poo, or putting the used bag in nested Ziplock bags. Maybe an animal can still smell the contents, but they work great for protecting human noses from nasty smells.
Until I read some of the discussion I had no idea why you'd want odor proof bags.
First thought, days old socks.
We don't have bears here in Oz, except drop bears, but they don't hunt on the ground...
Bellamy333Yes, and reviews on REI and Amazon indicate an unacceptable failure rate. They split along the seam between zipper and bag. Gallon Ziplocs double bagged would be a far more economical and practical alternative.
Got a different brand called Smellyproof. They really worked for me and so far have lasted two years. Wouldn't want to try another to "see" if it is as good. I'm happy. Also the price is a bit high if you only want one of the two sizes.
I'm lucky to get a set of these to barely last one season. On my last trip, I had the top pull area rip out when trying to open it on the first night, I think I'll pass this time and look for an alternate. I've also had the seal area deform so it won't close properly. These are pretty much just a step up from a standard ziplock bag, only a little heavier.
Perhaps I wasn't careful enough packing them, but all my food was in an Opsak, inside my Garcia bear canister, and a black bear found my canister and mauled the crap out of it while I was out of camp. I don't use them any longer...
Aug 28, 2018
Seriously? Shipping half the price of the product. Pass.