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Massdrop x Zslane Mercury Rocketeer Keyboard

Massdrop x Zslane Mercury Rocketeer Keyboard

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Product Description
Like putting on an old record or driving a stick shift, there’s nothing quite like typing on a typewriter. With their heavy actuations, old-school colorways, and audible clicks and clacks, mechanical keyboards come close—and with the Mercury Rocketeer they’ve inched even closer Read More

Sep 3, 2021
I think my board isn’t working (4 switches are non-responsive along with one port). Any suggestions? Are there other boards out there that will fit the case?
Sep 3, 2021
christianareasNevermind! Took it apart, tested again, and carefully reassembled. Everything but the right port works (actually, the port works, but something’s wrong with either the extender cable or extended port).
Sep 3, 2021
christianareasThat being said, is there a way to get replacement parts for the case port and ribbon that connects it to the board?
Aug 1, 2020
I accidentally removed DFU_Mode in the there a way to hard reset this keyboard so I can program it again?
Jun 8, 2020
I seem to have gotten a rocketeer missing its ribbon cables! If I've initiated a support request will that get them shipped to me?

Nov 8, 2020
If you still have them, I'd love to take them off your hands! There ended up being no extras so right now I just have a beautiful paperweight on my desk.
Nov 12, 2020
mechanicalxmuseUnfortunately I now ended up selling the pcb, with the ribbons, on mechmarket. Sorry about that, but it is a beautiful paperweight. I don't know if I can post it here so I wont, but I have the same username on reddit and since the sales are public on r/mechmarket, I would look for the username of the person I sold it to and ask them. In all likely hood they have no need them, but I sold it as part of it. @Dubz here is how I have it. it currently has /dev/tty on it, but that set doesn't have support for 1.5,1,1.5,7,1.5,1,1.5 bottom row, so I just put 1.25u and the 7u spacebar from suswatari

May 15, 2020
I got my keyboard yesterday and I only have one complaint. There are a couple of scratches on the left hand side so it is not perfect but other than that it is a beautiful board. All in all I am happy with this purchase!
This looks awesome, but I'd want it in purple.
Jun 29, 2020
LepidopteraLady1781Purple... hmm...
May 8, 2020
How do you do? How long will the keyboard be delivered if I place an order
May 15, 2020
Hello, erickong. Why is the status of this order always active? Hasn't it been delivered yet
782533807Yo. Please chill out. Don't spam and rush me down with questions. I don't have that info. I'm not a paid employee. Drop customer service is flooded with tickets and the warehouse is having trouble fulfill orders because of COVID
Apr 23, 2020
But can I just get these keycaps though?
Apr 13, 2020
Briefly: Keycap set is wrong, missing left arrow key R4 in the light color it was replaced for a down (R4) key, wish to exchange it with someone who may got the extra left R4 key. Thanks! This drop was really a true fiasco for me. First my package arrived damaged so the outer-box and inside package were damaged. The case itself got scratched and also the finish was not in great condition, bad finish in several spots, etc. PCB half works, RGB is gone (never worked) and it has some key-chatter going on. Asked for the whole keycap set, and they seem O.K. But the artisan came with defects. All this and I did give details to Drop and they sent a replacement which still had a bad case finish, but the PCB seemed to work fine. With all this going on of course a second replacement was apparently out of the scope, still Drop offered the replacement, but they wanted me to return both boards. Problem was that I had already paid import duties on both boards and sending it back would set me back US$100-120 dollars from my pocket risking on getting another disappointing replacement. Today I am writing this since I found some time to take a look on this board that was stored. Looking specially to the keycap set that never really compared to the offer I found a keycap not matching in the arrows sets I got an extra down arrow (R4) keycap instead of the left arrow (R4), so if someone reads this far and have the extra keycap and hopefully missing the down arrow (R4) and willing to exchange the keycap, let me know to make it happen! Last but not least, from the 'AltMods' set 3-4 keys seem to be cracked 🙄 Thanks! Images to the arrow set:

Mar 13, 2020
I bought one of these secondhand, so I can't leave an official review here, but I'd like to give some thoughts about this board. I had been following this group buy since before it started, but I ended up not joining because at the time I was wary of boards without dedicated arrow keys (and I do still prefer boards that have them). And when the first of these showed up in people's hands in a lighter-than-expected color, I thought maybe I had dodged a bullet. But I kept coming back to look at this page, so when I saw someone on r/mechmarket selling one that had the limited metal enter key as well as a custom coiled cable, I went ahead and bought it. And I'll have to say I'm very glad I did. As for the case color, I totally sympathize with the initial buyers. You don't want to buy something expensive and have it turn out differently from what you expected. But in person I actually think the colors work pretty well. It can be hard to photograph, since in some light the case can appear almost like a light gray without any green at all, but I think the shot above is fairly representative of how it looks. I actually really enjoy typing on this as well. I'm using Kailh Glazed Green China Style BOX switches, which are quite clicky, and while I'm not generally a fan of clicky switches, they are a nice change and seem totally appropriate for this board. I really like the metal Enter key, but it is a bit too heavy for many switches. I swapped in a Gateron Green just for Enter and that seemed to help quite a bit. It's true that mine has already been "fixed" by the previous owner, so I don't have the rattly stabilizers that some have complained about, and I'll have to say that I also don't really notice any ping in the case. So someone thinking of buying a new one should keep in mind that they will probably have to do a little work to get this up to its full potential. But I'm quite pleased with it. I haven't tried reprogramming the board at all because about the only thing I would want to change is the position of the Command key for use on a Mac, and that's easily done in the OS.
Mar 7, 2020
Can you drop the keycap set of this kb ?
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