I am glad I took a chance on these. The build quality and materials (except the earpads) are very sturdy and beautiful. Like others have stated, a small area of the ear pads were crushed do to the tight fit in the case. Not to worry, on a reviewer's recommendation I already had upgraded replacement pads ready: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01HG4ZLFQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08__o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
With the upgraded pads these are comfortable (not Beyer level comfort but let's face it, nothing compares to Beyers for comfort). Clamp force is firm but not overly so like Senn hd6XX. Again, I give the nod to Beyer Premium Versions for having the most comfortable clamp force (bare minimum)
Cloth cable is nice short length and does not twist up like stock Senn and Beyer cables.
I agree with other reviewers that these have a definite warm sound signature. EQ treble if that is your preference then they will be closer to Senn 6XX sound signature.
At this price point (plus $15 for upgraded pads) you can't go wrong. With cherry cups, metal and leather headband, compact folding for travel in a custom case are you kidding me? No brainer. Get 'em while you can.