quicklytoo4Looks to me like an intermediate between the ssr and ssp. Shame you can get those for half the price, these are prettier though so maybe the look is worth $25
Joey_SpacebarWell considering the starfield is $20ish more than the Aria but most people say they sound the same or very close looks must have some value ;P
quicklytoo4Quality also depends on how good your source is, your dac, your amp, and your personal likes. If you're going to collect IEMs at somepoint you'll need to get a good little DAC/AMP. You can get this for under 200, but then you start collecting those and then you're off to the races.
frontsidebusQ1 MkII work okay for them? if i am doing my calculations right, it seems like it may not? that seems wrong though. not very high ohm and high sensitivity seems like they'd be relatively easy to drive?