I can recall a time when this system would have been more than sufficient for any of us.
Then we went through puberty and testosterone began to cloud our minds.
—damn shame too!
I'm tempted. Wondering about stacking a MacMini on this for a cheap desktop alternative to the really old M-Audio powered set I'm using now. For this kind of dough though I'm probably better off looking at a set of decent Edifiers or something similar.
The power is quoted at 10% THD(!) into 6 Ohms, both unnatural numbers IMHO - unless Massdrop has made a typo. Calling this HiFi is stretching things considerably; unless you're building tube guitar amps distortion isn't usually a feature.
satanasMost of these shelf systems quote it that way, not saying it's right but also not uncommon. These units are rarely aimed at the more discerning audiophiles. Need a compact system with audiophile pedigree look at the Paraound Z series.