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Aug 15, 2018
checkVerified Buyer
This is currently the best (in price-performance) full balanced headphone amp. For DAC, it's decent but there are other options. Works best with Focal Clear.
Sep 3, 2018
audioooI do not agree with this at all. The DAC is top notch especially after a couple mods. The headphone amp however is not very good. Coupled with an Liquid Carbon X and HE-560 it easily outclasses quite a bit of my gear that costs much more.
Sep 10, 2018
VoxataHey Voxata What type of mods are you talking about. I would have loved a DC power input so I could use my own power supply. I think the PS is extremely important with all audio equipment, especially DACs; and I doubt that the DX7s has a particularly good one.
Sep 11, 2018
VoxataThe DAC and amp are both audibly transparent, so it does not get any better than that.
Sep 11, 2018
VoxataLOL your opinion is either complete crap or your ears are. Liquid Carbon X has a state of a garbage dac/amp. it has the worst possible powering method for audio components. there is no way that it is ever going to be as good as dx7s unless you invest almost the same or even more price into clean power only for the liquid carbon x. I use PS audio P10 and you really need to get it this far to get that 'pin powered' dac to sound any good. Besides, you should try PS Direct Stream if you wanna know what a good dac sounds like. DX7s is only worthy for pairing with a headphone. If someone purely wants a nice dac, there are tones of other possible options.
Sep 11, 2018
HiFiFeaver Those are your thoughts. To call someone out is a bold proposition. I've sold my Gungnir and several other DACs as I'm content usung the DX7S as a DAC, that section is strong and sounds good with light modding. The amp section of the topping is much weaker than the liquid carbon x to my ears and others who have tried my combo using an HE-560 and a few other cans. Switching PSU be damned the LCX is much better. Heck, the new THX amp uses a switcher, so by your theory it'll be much worse than the 7S amp right? I highly doubt it. Though, I do agree a linear PSU would yield benefits. You seem to think I'm using the LCX SDAC as well (I don't have the combo unit) so, I'd suggest you should read carefully before responding. I mean seriously, you are recommending a $5,000 power conditioner and $6,000 DAC to know what 'good sound is' - I've been around the block.. I know the DX7S DAC section is strong for what it is, if you need to spend $11,000 to 'enjoy' music by all means, enjoy that route. My choice was to take a sub $400 unit and lightly mod it.. Now I have a dac section that runs cleaner, is more transparent and musical than my old Gungnir and other DACS I consider "decent".. Please let the urge to piss on my parade pass. .. I mean seriously, the amp section uses TPA6120A2 's for goodness sake with what, 20ohm imp on the balanced outputs? You think that is better than an LCX? /endrant
Sep 11, 2018
dukeincleveI've replaced some caps in the signal path with Nich Muse. A simple mod.. added some much needed 'lush' to the sound. Still clear, still transparent.. just lusher.
Sep 12, 2018
HiFiFeaverYour 👏🏿 opinion 👏🏿 doesn't 👏🏿 matter 👏🏿 unless👏🏿 you👏🏿 can👏🏿 pass👏🏿 a 👏🏿 blind👏🏿 test.
Sep 12, 2018
VoxataVoxata, thanks for responding. Are the capacitors you replaced electrolytic caps? If so, aren't the Nichicon MUSE caps also electrolytic? Why wouldn't you use film caps if you're going to the trouble of replacing them?
Sep 12, 2018
dukeincleveThe caps used in the unit are of smd poly. I tried several options and stuck with the Nichicon Muse in my unit. The caps are 470UF/25V and I don't see many realistic film options at that point.
Sep 12, 2018
VoxataCan elaborate on the mods and any instructions on how you did them?
Sep 15, 2018
anrojSure, I'll make a video for my next mod. I ordered a DX7S to compare stock to modded.
Sep 15, 2018
VoxataThank you.
Nov 4, 2018
HiFiFeaverWhy do you say its only worthy of use with headphones? I was going to play with it first with headphones...but then plug it into my main system amps....a B&K avr 507 and a Krell kav 300i which has balanced inputs