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Audeze LCD Series Headphones

Audeze LCD Series Headphones

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15 Sold
Product Description
With eye-catching design and ear-pleasing sound, Audeze's impressive line of LCD headphones has earned a loyal following among audiophiles worldwide. Now, the entire LCD line is available here Read More

May 13, 2020
Got mine today, also sent from china. Am disappointed as it is clearly stock that is a couple of years old and has the previous, less comfortable headband and not the more recent, redesigned and more comfortable one that drop led me to believe I would be getting by using it in all the pictures on their main page and emails. After import taxes, I am still saving approx $400 from buying new but if it had been made clear to me from the start that I could pay full rrp from a dealer to get a new pair covered by warranty or save $400 for a 2+ year old model with the old headband and no warranty from Audeze, I clearly would have spent the extra. This is the first time in many purchases from drop that I feel like I have been taking advantage of. Yes they didn't explicitly state that the model we receive would be the exact one advertised in the pictures but I didn't expect otherwise from drop who don't usually resort to shady tactics to shift multi-thousand dollar products.
May 15, 2020
jonnytAnd when having a closer look at the tired-looking leather pads, I now notice a couple of places where the leather is actually ripped where it presses against the wood. Really, really disappointing. On the bright side, at least they sound good.
May 9, 2020
I received the product yesterday but I have some concerns. The product was shipped from China. I thought Audeze manufactured their products in the U.S. Has this changed or are these headphones B-stocks? I would appreciate any clarification in this matter.
May 6, 2020
Any details on how long this is delayed by?
Apr 12, 2020
9 sold...
Apr 1, 2020
Agonized over joining this drop, and in the end let it go. Discount on the Classic was not deep enough (taxes ate up all the savings), and the higher-end models are too pricy to buy w/o prior listening, especially since there are so many higher-end models (which one to choose?). But the main thing that turned me off was Audeze's response to the whole matter--not because of doubt in Drop's offer to extend their own warranty, but because Audeze is so overprotective of their fixed prices that they're willing to punish people who end up owning a "tainted serial number" (and no doubt whomever supplied them to Drop) rather than stand by their products. I'm not feeling eager to do business with them. I had my own run-in with Audeze a couple years ago when I bought an LCD-2 Classic at Amazon for $599 (new) only to have them cancel the order, claiming the item was "no longer in stock." Well, the seller was Audeze, and upon reaching out to their customer service they explained that $599 is their B-stock price, leading me to the conclusion that the Amazon posting was probably a pricing mistake (should not have been advertised for new headphones). If it really was simply "out of stock," why not put me on backorder, or at least give me the option to cancel instead of canceling out from under me? And if it was a pricing mistake, why not own up to that instead of making up some other excuse? I've no doubt their products are good. I own an LCD-GX that I use for gaming, and I really enjoy it; I'm intrigued and would like to expand my collection of Audeze headphones. But I've dealt with combative companies before, and I'm not eager to get into a relationship with one who's more concerned with their revenue stream than with my purchase and ownership experiences, particularly for such premium products. Sorry, Audeze, but your response to this drop suggests a troubling trend to me. I'm gonna toss my LCD budget towards some closed Verites--my 3rd pair of ZMFs--to help one of the most customer friendly companies in audio weather this storm.
Aug 18, 2020
Well, I'm now shipping Zach and your wife.
Sep 18, 2020
You've got no idea. :-) While placing my order, Zach offered to upgrade me to a stabilized set. I've been sitting on that particular detail since April, not wishing to stir up hype before stabilized sets come to market. I do believe they're coming "soonish," though I have not heard an official target date yet and don't know exactly how they'll be sold (I have seen a handful show up at specific retailers, but nothing yet about purchasing through ZMF directly).
So this is what I ultimately ended up with as a result of my decision to pass up this drop. VCs are remarkable for headphones, period, but for closed backs they simply defy belief. I've never heard this combination of clarity and out-of-head staging in a closed headphone before. They seem to disappear and just leave a sense of music happening. And to have such a special example of these--"falling in love" seems to fall short of expressing how much I appreciate these.
Mar 31, 2020
With Audeze having the worst QC in the headphones business, you really need a good warranty when your Audeze crap out on you. I stop buying Audeze headphones a long time ago after every single one of my Audeze failed on me. The last one was the EL-8, love the sound, but made like cheap generic Chinese junk. I wouldn't trust Drop with warranty either. They lack transparency, and they're kinda sketchy themselves. Given the current situation, at least post your warranty procedure so people will know if their $2,750 headphone is going to be replaced or fixed or what?
Maybe I'm just having a stroke, but I'm on Drop's side on this one. :)
Mar 30, 2020
How laughable of a company Audeze is tho lmao, scamming people from a promise of a collaboration then getting upset that drop sells thier products at a lower price. Malding.
Mar 30, 2020
I would be so, so happy to see a collab with ZMF audio. The Auteur is like my dream headphone and I wish I could afford one.
Mar 31, 2020
That's good to know, thanks!
Mar 31, 2020
5peedKingZMF November. Mostly B-Stock, but some discontinued stuff.
Mar 30, 2020
I now read the whole drama, audeze is greedy I know, but I didn't know they are that greedy
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