Established in 1962 in Tokyo, Japan, Audio-Technica is known around the world for its lineup of headphones, microphones, and turntables. In the US, the company has gained particular acclaim for its classic M50X studio headphones, along with its audiophile-grade A and AD Series. This special promotion includes a range of models within these series. While the A Series features closed-back headphones and the AD Series is all open-back models, you’ll find many similarities between the two. Every pair of headphones is built with large 53-millimeter drivers and Audio-Technica’s signature 3D Wing Support Housing, which adjusts to the wearer to ensure a perfect fit. A vibration-proof mechanism provides comfortable support for a better listening experience.
These premium open-back headphones are well liked for their spacious, airy sound. Along with being great for music purposes, the AD500X is regarded as a top-notch gaming headphone because of its wide soundstage and affordable price. The higher-end entry in the series, the AD1000X boasts an increased frequency response and a greater input power.
Looking for the noise isolation of a closed-back headphone? Audio-Technica has you covered with the A Series. Engineered for exceptional isolation and audio performance, the A1000Z and A2000Z are the flagships of this line. While the A1000Z features high-rigidity aluminum with a red finish, the A2000Z’s housings use rigid, pure titanium with a polished aluminum finish. Additionally, the A2000Z’s drivers include a top-quality German Permendur magnetic circuit with significant magnetic flux density. A material offering excellent magnetic characteristics, Permendur is used for some compression drivers and other highly efficient magnetic products.
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Estimated ship date is July 26, 2023 PT.
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